Lack of quality mental health screening and providers is the problem.
So what are the pro life party proposing to do about the mental health problem that keeps shooting people?
when it comes to senseless killings in the U.S. it's still dwarfed by how many innocent people are killed by drunk drivers every year. Why isn't there a push for more laws against that? It's much more of an epidemic in the U.S. than mass shootings. And dead is dead.
If you get caught driving drunk, you lose your license to drive, and can go to jail, even if nobody gets hurt. If you accidentally discharge a weapon in an area with people, you can walk away without even a slap on the wrist if nobody gets hurt, and sometimes even when people do get hurt. People in this country are killed by "accidental discharges" all the time and [NOBABE]the killer[/NOBABE] is not charged.
Not to mention, a car is designed and intended for transport, and in many parts of the country is essential to being a functioning member of society. Guns are designed and intended to kill things, and nobody can argue that they can't successfully live their life without one.
...heroin is illegal, so is coke. Neither one is to hard to find in my neck of the woods, and while I won't dive into your point of view on the subject itself, much like abortion, if you make it illegal, people will still get them.
You can't make a gun using a chemistry set in your bathroom. That has a pretty big effect on availability.
Gun ownership is a RIGHT that ostensibly is to keep the federal government in check.
Too stupid for a serious retort.
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