The Greatest Sports Teams Of All Time

I didn't read the list, but howabout the 2004-05 London Knights? Maybe the greatest junior hockey team of all time. Although the Windsor Spitfires the past 2 years might be better :)
No 72-10 Chicago Bulls????

No 1985 Chicago Bears????

This list has officially failed.

Okay, that Bulls team was the greatest NBA team ever as far as I'm concerned. How is it that they don't even get mentioned? Proves to me that Forbes should stick with counting money and leave sports to the masses!


Postal Paranoiac
I refuse to read that list until they put it on one page. This trend with lists is really pissing me off.

It's all about the green, Gene. More clicks mean more ads.


Believer In GregCentauro
1980 Men's Olympic Hockey team...

and these guys
