The Freedom of Speech

Are you in favor of freedom of speech or against it?


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Lord Dipstick
I can see where this is going.. you can say whatever you want, dude. doesn't mean we have to LIKE it or AGREE with it. It's also freedom of speech for us to tell you you're a troll and an idiot. #justsayin tehehe :)

Of course you have the right to say that I am an idiot and a troll.

Seura tekee kaltaisekseen. :lame:
In France, we have laws against speeches.
"Glorifying war crimes", "negationism" or "incitement to racial hatred" are illegal.
These laws may seem shocking to you but it prevent people from telling that they regret that Hitler didn't finish the job, prevent muslim preacher to call for "Jihad" in the street, make it illegal to say that Auschwitz is a lie from the jews to promote sionism.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
No. I am not in favor of any kind of freedom of speech. Speech and the publics expressions of opinions need to be regulated for the good of the collective people. There is no place for dissonance when it comes to the decided benefits established by the proletariat for the masses.
These laws may seem shocking to you but it prevent people from telling that they regret that Hitler didn't finish the job, prevent muslim preacher to call for "Jihad" in the street, make it illegal to say that Auschwitz is a lie from the jews to promote sionism.

This is a difficult question.

Nazi and extremist Muslim puplic speeches.

In my opinion they should also be given the freedom to tell their crazy views.
Freedom of speech is in its essence the right to say what you want if you offend somebody or not. If something offends you them tough shit state your own opinion and just go from there. Political correctness will be the end of true freedoms.
That is a very dangerous and narrow point of view. If you police any freedom you give a few people way too much power in the name of the collective good. When does the censorship stop and who says 'too much'. People just need to efucate themselves and express their own points of view and quit being such over sensitive sheep.

Will E Worm

No one has the right to tell you what you can and can't say.

Freedom of speech is a birthright. You're not born to a state.

Say what you want.