New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Like Trump's disciples, Trump believes he has Jedi Skills; Trump nor his disciples possess such skill.
“But President Obama and his staff are not infallible spellers, either. The @whitehouse twitter feed misspelled “Libya” as “Lybia” in February 2011, an error not widely reported by the media. And in 2010, President Obama misspelled “Syracuse” as “Sycacuse” while filling out his NCAA Tournament bracket on ESPN (see 2:50 mark), another incident not widely reported in the media.
Also, in his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama misspelled rebel slave Denmark Vesey’s last name as “Vescey” and misspelled anti-colonist Frantz Fanon’s first name as “Franz”.
Get a bit triggered there, snowflake? I did say it was just for fun.
Here's the difference, since you're so clueless you'll never put it together yourself - Obama wasn't afraid to admit he was human. He didn't claim to be a genius. He didn't even claim to be the best at anything. He was just a guy doing his best like everyone else.
When you talk as much shit as trump does, claim to be the greatest at everything, have the best everything, be the smartest guy ever, despite very obviously being borderline retarded, you're begging for ridicule when you fuck up, and boy oh boy, does this shitshow in a dumpster fire fuck up A LOT!
This has to be the most delusional post to ever grace FreeOnes
Actually all of those qualities can be attributed to your hero that held the office prior to this wonderful president.
Anything “ amoral” that Trump has done has been discussed privately with his spiritual advisors and they have stated that they are comfortable that he is a changed man in regard to philandering. So what else do you have? Not much it seems. Not only is his predecessor ignorant, he is naive ( see Spring, Arab, Deal, Iran Nuclear.)
Before Trump the real thin skinned petulant child was Obama and it is well documented.
He suffered no criticism by the main stream media and the final verdict of his presidency both economically and foreign policy wise is an abysmal failure.
I’m sorry that you have been reduced to childish taunting because this current president makes your hero look like a rank amateur but I savor every moment of this successful presidency and how it must give libs like you the red ass.
Batten down the hatches. You have 6 more years of torment. No Democrat can defeat him.
Hahaha no, that title will always belong to this little doozy:
Hahahaha spiritual advisers! You're such a wanker!
Nice job with the Marty Feldman eye btw, you're so witty and original!
You want me to name some of them? Robert Jefress, Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr. Funny thing about spirituality, it’s not always discussed in the open and you have no idea what he divulged to them or what personal failings he confessed to them. Neither do I but even a flawed human has a right to spiritual advisors.Oh well hell if his "spiritual advisers" have absolved him then it's all good :rofl:
Oh well hell if his "spiritual advisers" have absolved him then it's all good :rofl:
Hahahaha, google chief has to explain to congress why a picture of trump shows up when you google "idiot"!
I think I might be coming around, starting to enjoy the trump presidency more every day!
Also, today's "trump tweet that came back to bite him in the ass" - this gem on chiefs of staff: 3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why @BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda.
Of course, I might be jumping the gun on that one, seeing as how we're not even sure he can find a third chief of staff!
Hahahahaha, keep 'em coming, drumpfo!