The disappearing black middle class


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Millions of Americans endured financial calamities in the recession. But for many in the black community, job loss has knocked them out of the middle class and back into poverty. And some experts warn of a historic reversal of hard-won economic gains that took black people decades to achieve.

“History is going to say the black middle class was decimated” over the past few years, said Maya Wiley, director of the Center for Social Inclusion. “But we’re not done writing history.”

Adds Algernon Austin, director of the Economic Policy Institute’s Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy: “The recession is not over for black folks.”

n 2004, the median net worth of white households was $134,280, compared with $13,450 for black households, according to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the Economic Policy Institute. By 2009, the median net worth for white households had fallen 24 percent to $97,860; the median net worth for black households had fallen 83 percent to $2,170, according to the institute.

Austin described the wealth gap this way: “In 2009, for every dollar of wealth the average white household had, black households only had two cents.”

Since the end of the recession, which lasted from 2007 to 2009, the overall unemployment rate has fallen from 9.4 to 9.1 percent, while the black unemployment rate has risen from 14.7 to 16.2 percent, according to the Department of Labor. Last April, black male unemployment hit the highest rate since the government began keeping track in 1972. Only 56.9 percent of black men over 20 were working, compared with 68.1 percent of white men.


Princeton Professor Cornel West (center) eagerly shakes the hand of President Barack Obama in June 2010. Today, West calls Obama “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs.”
Good enough....Obama 'doesn't care about black people'.:horse:


Cornel West, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Professor Gates (and Kanye West:cool:).
I know black people who are living rather well. Because they aren't letting the government provide for them and they are actually working with some kind of certification or degree and applying it to provide a better life for themselves and family.

Same goes for white people.

If you sit around wishing for something to happen you are gonna be sitting for a long time and end up very disappointed. If you get out there, make sacrifices, work hard you will find the payoff is grand. If it doesn't pan out you move on to what will work for you and work your way to the top.

Nobody is going to hand you anything for free that doesn't have strings attached. And if you think it is free and no strings attached you are sorely mistaken.

Have to get out there and work for a better life.
I knew it was all over once The Cosby Show ended,

And Oprah, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, My Brother and Me, and of course...

Cousin Skeeter.

Black community has really lost a lot due to white Jewish dominance over the airwaves. Thank goodness for quality programming such as BET.

If it wasn't for the groundbreaking, racial stereotype crushing style of shows on BET where would they be?

Oh and Tyler Perry. Nothing says racial perseverance than a black man dressed in drag playing a mad black woman preaching Jesus and kicking ass.


Postal Paranoiac
Job loss always hits minorities the hardest. But let's not forget Appalachia. A region that is almost entirely white, and never saw an economic turnaround.
Some smug liberal is going to use the disappearing middle class to further cause more chaos by wanting to "spread the wealth around some more" causing more middle class families to fork out money they don't have.

I'd tax every Hollyweird liberal 99% of what they have and have that redistributed.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
It could be worse. Black people could be actually disappearing instead.

Always look on the bright side.
And Oprah, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, My Brother and Me, and of course...

Cousin Skeeter.

Black community has really lost a lot due to white Jewish dominance over the airwaves. Thank goodness for quality programming such as BET.

If it wasn't for the groundbreaking, racial stereotype crushing style of shows on BET where would they be?

Oh and Tyler Perry. Nothing says racial perseverance than a black man dressed in drag playing a mad black woman preaching Jesus and kicking ass.

You forgot family matters...
Some smug liberal is going to use the disappearing middle class to further cause more chaos by wanting to "spread the wealth around some more" causing more middle class families to fork out money they don't have.

I'd tax every Hollyweird liberal 99% of what they have and have that redistributed.

Too narrow. I'd put a tax penalty on anyone who suggests, in print, on television, etc., what should be done with other people's money. Like a swear jar.

Actually, it is thanks to the conservative tax policies that allow the rich to get richer and hoard the majority of the wealth that are hurting the middle class more than anything else.

The solution is higher taxes on the rich and job programs that spend that money in an intelligent way.


Hiliary 2020
Actually, it is thanks to the conservative tax policies that allow the rich to get richer and hoard the majority of the wealth that are hurting the middle class more than anything else.

The solution is higher taxes on the rich and job programs that spend that money in an intelligent way.

whenever I see this I want to puke.

when you get out into the real world you will see that the government on the federal, state and municipal level has their hand in your pocket with everything you want to do......they have made it near impossible for someone, anyone who wants to do the right thing and work for a living to actually make a living.
do exactly what they say, give in to their extortion or you are a criminal.
You cant even die without the government raping your dead body.

meanwhile they pay and give free medical ect ect to people for sitting on their asses doing nothing but reproducing and fucking up the environment.
To me thats criminal.

So whenever I hear someone say "higher taxes" for anyone besides the worthless pieces of shits who already pay no taxes and do nothing but suck from the taxpayers like parasitic infections I actually get violent urges.

thats my conservative tax policy.
tax debates are so much fun...../snore

Honestly the only solution is to tax for things we need and cut the shit. The problem is the people who have money get to call the shots. They avoid taxes and it disrupts the entire debate into a neanderthal black and white scenario.

Person 1: Taxes is guud.

Person 2: All Taxes is are bad.

rinse repeat.

We need a system of voting or deciding as a nation what we DO WANT to pay for and what we DO NOT WANT to pay for. Obviously elected officials on life long political careers don't' give a fuck. They become extreme and then we get tea party nuts to counter their old guard debauchery.

Perhaps if we had a system like that people wouldn't be so afraid to try something new and step outside their party lines.
If you sit around wishing for something to happen you are gonna be sitting for a long time and end up very disappointed. If you get out there, make sacrifices, work hard you will find the payoff is grand. If it doesn't pan out you move on to what will work for you and work your way to the top.

That whole Horatio Algeristic stuff has pretty much been proven to be crap over the last century and more. That whole pull yourself up by your bootstraps or it's all your fault your poor stuff sounds all well and good but it's a extreamly simplistic concept that doesn't mesh with the real world reality most people face, or what's really needed for most people to improve themselves.

As much as some people might want to believe it, most poor people do no choose to be poor, and for most a gigantic amount of the blame doesn't fall on them individually for it.