The Bionic Women

NBC is about to release the New Bionic Women Wednesday September 26 2007 9/8C Michelle Ryan will play Jamie Summers so what do you think about it ? What did you think about the 1970s Six Million Dollar Man & The Bionic Women then with Lee Majors & Lindsey Wagner.


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Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Considering that remakes have actually been pretty decent since the turn of the century.. sure.
I was watching the Giants/Cowboys game on NBC tonight. Bob Costas mentioned "The Bionic Woman" and referred to it as "the show that everyone is talking about." I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I know people are talking about the Geico Caveman show but only saying how bad it will suck and the disbelief that a network would think that this would work.


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I don't think I watch it don't look every good to me.
Why did someone greenlight the resurrection of this show? Why, Dear God, why!!
The 70's camp versions all blow today. I only care about great writing, great production, and great acting performances (in that order).

The Sci-Fi Battlestar Galactica remake has been the best quality, most kickass tv show since the XFiles and (LOST Season1).

I will be eagerly anticipating The Bionic Woman simply because David Eick is steering the ship.
Looks like it might be one of the only new shows premiering this season that I'm really looking forward to.Hey,David Eick struck gold with BSG,so I expect the same for the Bionic Woman.Plus the new Jamie Summers is HOT!
Yes She is hot...I guess it is what you are into. The bell curve could go in either direction.