Will E Worm



persona non grata
Ok, that´s enough insane jesustalk for now, time for a break with some black metal.:hatsoff:


persona non grata
I'd rather insane jesustalk!
Yeah, i´m not really a fan of black metal myself, i only listen to the old stuff like Venom and Bathory. I just thought it would be funny to completely ignore Will and his insane rants and only reply with "devil-worshipping" music.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Puff the Magic Dragon is real in story books. :hatsoff:
So is God.

My case is closed. You obviously have nothing to refute anything, so I feel disinclined to continue. Boothbabe summed you up accurately:
Now you're just doing what religious people have been doing for thousands of years when they realize their "logic" is failing, you shut down. You're showing the true nature of religion. Pick and choose what suits your need, ignore everything else and shut down and revert to circular logic when you feel attacked.

See, it's one thing to spout out constant horseshit and have it debunked, shredded, spat on and still left wanting and still claiming to have some high ground. Throw in hatemongering and you've got yourself an all-around poor character. I'd throw in hypocrit, except I can't actually point out when you've said you aren't a bigot, flaming, etc. You are the king of circular logic, as much as you might try to bestow such on to others. It is yours, Will E, and in this thread, yours alone.

I state all this to serve as a contrast to a position of faith I can respect, such as Blue Countach's:
I believe in God and the Bible and will defend both when I feel Christianity is being bashed but I do not wear my faith on my sleeve.

That is the extent of my religious discussion on this board and I do not feel that this forum is the proper place to engage in deep relgious discussion because of the nature of this board.
Do you know what's to be said in reply to this? "Fair enough." Argue (I'm using the term very liberally in this case) with smilies and dubious youtube videos (not to mention, again, the circular logic of offering as evidence passages from the book begging to be proven), and you're going to get circles walked around you and torn to bits. Even if you're too thick to notice.

So here is the end summary. You'll reply with some :sleep:, offering nothing solid. You may pick one random line out of all this to nitpick, ignoring the rest. Maybe you'll cry "flaming", though I think that calling someone short when they're short is a point of fact, not an insult. Maybe you'll post something else I can disembowel, and I will, or God forbid, something substantive that I (and the rest of us critical thinkers) can respect.

Until then, :hatsoff:


persona non grata
Even mrtrebus sees that Patrick S is trolling and spamming. :hatsoff:
Here, have some Venom. :hatsoff:

(if i keep this up long enough maybe a moderator will finally close this fucking retarded thread)


Yeah, i´m not really a fan of black metal myself, i only listen to the old stuff like Venom and Bathory. I just thought it would be funny to completely ignore Will and his insane rants and only reply with "devil-worshipping" music.

Dunno how its devil worshipping music, I dont know what the fuck hes saying.....Jesus I got rituals to perform here, Some instructions maybe?
@ Will E:
If you're such a devout, unwavering Christian why don't you live by the biblical laws you obviously hold so dearly? Lots of things happen every day wich justify you killing someone based on what a bunch of desert dwelling, prehistoric people wrote over 2000 years ago. Don't you have the balls to live by the word of your god? Are you not man enough?

Will E Worm

Originally Posted by Will E Worm
Even mrtrebus sees that Patrick S is trolling and spamming.

No I fucking do not. Just don't like metal of the black variety.
Hatsoff etc etc

Yes, you do. :hatsoff:

And...you just proved you're a liar. You said you had me on ignore.

I knew you didn't. ;):tongue:

Will E Worm

@ Will E:
If you're such a devout, unwavering Christian why don't you live by the biblical laws you obviously hold so dearly? Lots of things happen every day wich justify you killing someone based on what a bunch of desert dwelling, prehistoric people wrote over 2000 years ago. Don't you have the balls to live by the word of your god? Are you not man enough?

This isn't flaming and baiting?

Sounds like you just called the Jews prehistoric which is woefully inaccurate.

You need to stick to what you know and it isn't the Bible.
I can't remember who said that.
But, someone did on another thread. So, :hatsoff: to them.

Oh, and...:sleep:
This isn't flaming and baiting?

No, it isn't. You obviously interpret the bible quite literally and judging by the way you act on here it's also obvious you want us to believe you're a devout Christian so why haven't you killed based on what the bible tells you. Don't you love your god?