"The Banquet Beer" - WTF?

Can anyone tell me what hell Coors means, calling their product "The Banquet Beer"?

I know it seems like a silly thing to ask, but it's stuck in my head and keeps fucking with me.
I have never seen anybody drinking Coors at banquets. Wine and champagne maybe some beers but not Coors. And fuck Coors and fuck the Rockies.


Hiliary 2020
i think coors is one of the better american beers better than bud thats for sure.
but then again, cat piss is better than bud.
I thought this was a Samuel Adams thread. Does anyone outside of Boston drink it?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Coors is beer flavored water. I cant stand it, I need a beer with more substance. :2 cents:
Coors is cheap and so it's perfect for your lame company or wedding banquet.