:eek: :banger:
there has to be a slayer vs maiden song somewhere.
*looks around at all the cool kids* Yeppers!So,...is this where all the cool kids hang out?
:dunno:what's with all the cat stuff?
You got that right my friend! :thumbsup:Doc wishes it was all the KittyKat stuff!
What did you see?evening all! :wave:
back from the flick, it sucked! :1orglaugh
LAME!!!! Yeah I'm so sick of hearing about her, Paris, Nichol Ritchie and Britney! Stupid bitches! :1orglaughI know who killed me
It was her idea to go, I hate lindsey lohan...further proof was had with this flick!
I was told it would be gory, so I went but was still skeptical...sure as fuck! It sucked! One short scene and just a little blood letting here and there.
Yeah I saw a big preview of it and they were claiming that it was the Silence of the Lambs of the new age...I call BULLSHIT! :1orglaughYea, that and the plot was even fuckin gay!
She hated Transformers?!?!?!?!:eek: You need to ditch her bud!Damn old lady told me she read reviews that said "If you like saw and hostile you'll like this"
I LOVE SAW and hostile sucked, but I figured I'd give it a shot! Thank god she paid for it!
I guess it's payback for taking her to see transformers which she hated!
LMAO Yeah you better keep her! Well Kitty isn't real fond of the really gory ones but she does like horror movies and scifi flicks!She can't stand the gory flicks either...
*debates the pros and cons*...
*decides to keep her*
:eek: BEE SHIT!!!!!!!