The 5 Most Horrific Bugs in the World

My skin is crawling! Nasty :weeping:

Will E Worm

Japanese Giant Hornet
Why you must fear it:
It's the size of your thumb and it can spray flesh-melting poison. :rolleyes:

Africanized Honey Bee
Why you must fear it:
You know how you can spot one of these? You can't. There is no physical way to determine the difference between an Africanized bee and a common European bee. None whatsoever. Watch out for drive or fly by shootings. :D
I hope the geniouses we have in our universities don't decide to genetically engineer a a super bug that possess all the deadliest traits of these vicious bugs or else we're all doomed lol


My Penis Is Dancing!
Now we just need to create a giant, flying, poison spitting, blind, colonizing, larva laying anywhere, fanatically territorial, bullet stinging insect...

Oh. Wait. Dick Cheney.


Postal Paranoiac
Mostly bullshit. Look it up. In all of these cases, the writer over dramatizes. For example. The Africanized bees are more aggressive, but they have yet to officially kill a single person who wasn't bathing themselves with them. Actually, the "killer" bee myth was created and whipped up by some South American government bent on discrediting Kerr's name--because he spoke out in opposition.
fucking bugs! i hate them! (if theres any bugs here on FO, im sorry i love you :))

i hope i never come across one of those hornets or bees, i CANNOT stand flying bugs.
The giant hornet scares the shit out of me, damn. I cant imagine what i'd do if I ever encountered any of these, except run...
^ I've heard of those critters before and I was going to start a thread devoted to the recluse spider lol

Yes but not recently. If you ever get bit by them you will know it. Usually you get bit by more than one.

that sucks! how did they catch you off guard and what did you do to treat the bites?
that sucks! how did they catch you off guard and what did you do to treat the bites?
After it rains it drives them up to the surface. You will start to see lots of fire ant mounds in your yard. If it is in a grassy place you may not see it right away and accidentally step on it. Fire ants are very aggressive so they immediately swarm whatever stepped in their mound. Sometimes when mowing the grass I have ran over a fire ant mound and it threw some of them on my leg and they got me that way. They eventually heal up but for several days it will give you a fit. Outside of some antibiotic ointment you just have to let them heal on their own. :(
Any creature that can do this should at the least have and honorable mention on the list.

*Warning,this shit is nasty,even if is does look photoshopped!*

yeah you DONT fuck with the recluse.

we don't get them here but there was 1 case where it came over in a crate of bananas.

Also, is the recluse the spider that actually comes towards you and not from you? i heard there was a spider that will chase you if you provoke it? FUCK that!
After it rains it drives them up to the surface. You will start to see lots of fire ant mounds in your yard. If it is in a grassy place you may not see it right away and accidentally step on it. Fire ants are very aggressive so they immediately swarm whatever stepped in their mound. Sometimes when mowing the grass I have ran over a fire ant mound and it threw some of them on my leg and they got me that way. They eventually heal up but for several days it will give you a fit. Outside of some antibiotic ointment you just have to let them heal on their own. :(

wow, never knew ants could be such buggers :(