The 5 biggest Dipshits in porn


Hiliary 2020
1. Mark Wood-

Words cannot describe how much I hate this man but I'll do my best. Look at this fucking doofus, I mean he looks like a fucking mentally retarded person and he is in EVERY scene with EVERY porn hottie. When I click on a scene of a starlet who looks amazing in the first few minutes of the scene, getting me excited then this fucking dipshit walks in with that incredibly atrocious looking face and my hard on goes limp. I cant explain the rage I experience when that happens and when I try to tough it out and pretend he's someone else, this piece of dogshit moans like a little bitch throughout the entire scene
moaning even loader than the fucking girl. I'm mean he sounds like he's never had a chick put her mouth on his penis before. Incredibly annoying!!!!!!
If this guy some how got his face blown off with a double barrel shotgun, not only would I not feel bad, I'd feel extremely happy. I think every scene this guy and the others I have mentioned above should be burned so that I can actually enjoy jerking off and not see these beautiful young ladies pretend they're enjoying themselves because guys this ugly couldn't get laid in a morgue if the producers werent paying these girls so much to fuck these DIPSHITS!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your time, I'm gonna go try and relax now.

Now thats Pulitzer Prize material.
Its got an Edgar Allen Poe thing going on, i cant quite put my finger on it.

he looks like the kind of sex tourist gringos that go to south america trying to get laid.
put a pair of shorts and sandals on him and he's it.
i think a lot of the porn guys get work because they are connected with someone in some way.

and i hate the guy on bangbros that they send down to south america to bang 30 dollar hookers as if theyre something special.
the quality of pussy down there and theyre banging these skanks, same goes for nacho.
that bang bros guy is such a goofy fuck, i hope he gets shot in the dick down there someday or better yet i'd like to run into him and scare him back to wherever he came from


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Hey Beerboy, please enclose pictures or links to websites showing those guys.

Back on topic, I do dislike a number if male pornstars, but i don't get too mad about them.


Hiliary 2020
yeah, come to think of it all of those bangbross guys seem like scumbags, except ramon, he just seems half witted to me.

i also hate when the camera guy and the actor wont shut the fuck up.
Hey buddy, sorry this was my first post on this site. For future reference, which section is the correct one to post?? By the way James Deen is someone who comes to mind as someone who should be fucking in porn today, I mean he really young, prety good looking and isnt distracting....maybe except that yes he appears in nearly every scene these days...but that is indeed a good thing, the girls look like they are actually enjoying the sex.

James Deen is a scumbag too. He needs a ban even more than some of the guys on your list. Plus this is damn old, a couple of the guys aren't even in the business anymore.

Add John Strong to the list. Any movie with that guy in it is an instant boycott.


Those freaky clone dudes with no hair. There seem to be hundreds of them.

Sadly (or thankfully) I don't know any of the male "talents" names, but there are a few who creep me the fuck out, and whenever I see a girl working with them, my respect drops down a little less. Especially when they are old dudes. Ick.
Hey thanks for all the positive feedback guys, as some of you are asking why so much focus and hate on the men in porn? I'll reiterate the reason being that these guys I mentioned (as well as the others some of the others you have mentined) completely ruin the scene where I cant enjoy the hot girl.
Also I apologize for the picture links not working for some of you, I'm new to this board thing and I'm trying to get the hang of posting shit still.

Oh and which guy is Ramon? Is he that really skinny light skinned black guy whos butt-ugly who manages to bang some hot tail?
Hey thanks for all the positive feedback guys, as some of you are asking why so much focus and hate on the men in porn? I'll reiterate the reason being that these guys I mentioned (as well as the others some of the others you have mentined) completely ruin the scene where I cant enjoy the hot girl.
Also I apologize for the picture links not working for some of you, I'm new to this board thing and I'm trying to get the hang of posting shit still.

Oh and which guy is Ramon? Is he that really skinny light skinned black guy whos butt-ugly who manages to bang some hot tail?

Ramon isn't black but that's the guy you're talking about.
i can't stand old guys fucking young 30/40 year old women in video's. cause if i wanted to see some old guys balls hang around all wrinkly fucking a attractive lady. I would of bought a DVD that said OLD Dudes Fucking. Also hate some of the bang bro stuff i hate when the guy talks. talk all you want when the star is dressed but as soon as that she's naked keep it to one or two words.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I pay more attention to the female taking the cock than the dick giving it to the girl. I have noticed that some guys are in way to many scenes, but I have no idea what their names are.
i can't stand old guys fucking young 30/40 year old women in video's. cause if i wanted to see some old guys balls hang around all wrinkly fucking a attractive lady. I would of bought a DVD that said OLD Dudes Fucking. Also hate some of the bang bro stuff i hate when the guy talks. talk all you want when the star is dressed but as soon as that she's naked keep it to one or two words.

Yep. Also old dudes banging "milfs" and "cougars" younger than them. They'll be like "your my stepmother!" and you can see all the wrinkles and receding hairline.
I wish D Sanchez would come back to Bang Bus. It was fun to watch in the early days. He had serious skills in picking up victims, I mean, passengers for the bus. No offense against Preston, but the I don't think the talk he lays out would be able to pick up a real amateur chick.
I wish D Sanchez would come back to Bang Bus. It was fun to watch in the early days. He had serious skills in picking up victims, I mean, passengers for the bus. No offense against Preston, but the I don't think the talk he lays out would be able to pick up a real amateur chick.

Are you kidding me????

D Sanchez was expert in making women feel stupid and like trash. Preston at least treats them like a human being, hell a lot of the chicks actually seem to like fucking the guy.

D Sanchez is just a fat guy with a tiny dick who gets his frustration out by humiliating a woman in a captive situation.
I disagree with Dirty Harry being in Top 5 Dipshits. Cmon the guy is old but he is rough, and he surely knows how to treat young beautiful teenagers. Its fun to watch cuties with old man of his age...