1. when i was in seventh grade, a guy's dad had died in a car wreck. a friend of mine and i were in the boys room smoking about a week later and saw the guy and my friend told him he was sorry to hear about his dad. the guy jumped my friend and i had to pull him off. my friend made a comment on a touchy subject, but was my freind being a bitch? the fact remains neither you nor i know what was said, so how do you conclude she was a bitch? maybe he didn't appreciate us smoking in school.
2. anyone going through any traumatic experience is certainly someone to be pitied and deserves empathy. what they don't get, however, is carte blanche to bring harm upon another person. its a sad the boy saw his brother in that situation, but its a tragedy to turn that into a brutal attack upon another person. yes, certain situations can lead to tragic events but thats what being a human being is all about, being able to differentiate those events and making the right decision to. if we don't do that we fail. my gf's grand parents saw their father killed because of the color of his skin but they didnt go out and start killing a bunch of white people because of it. to replace tragedy with tragedy is the act of a fool and only ensures further violence and tragedy will continue.
3. if someone says i'm going to do this, then carries that action out, in the eyes of the court, its pre-meditated. if someone beat my sister like that, i'd be hotheaded and beat that guy, find his mother and beat her, find his dad and beat him, find his aunt tilly and beat her...i'd be wrong, and while doing it, i know i'd be wrong and the fact that i didn't have time to cool down would be no excuse. if this guy didn't know what he was doing was wrong then he needs to be locked up simply because his ignorance threatens the citizens of the community. if he did know that what he was doing was wrong then he still needs to be locked up cos he's still a danger because he has no regard for right or wrong when it comes to harming another person.
i see what you're trying to say, man. i really do. but in this particular case i just don't see it as being applicable. for someone to beat a smaller helpless person like that tells me that person is a danger and menace and that only the slightest provocation is needed for him to go off again. normal people just don't do that to defenseless little girls. my guess is she could have told him his pizza was burning in the oven and he'd gone off on her. if a battered wife is beaten cos the house isnt clean do we say the husband was a dick but she really should cleaned the house? no, we know that husband is disturbed and a piece of shit and invents reasons to beat her. i think this is the case here. yes he's had tragedy, but that happens in life. he's not the only human being to go through trauma, and we as humans have to deal with it.
trust me, right now, someone in that girls family is now a time bomb ready for someone else's words to set them off. we can only hope they show more patience and resolve to do the right thing than this piece of shit kid had. otherwise, the cycle continues and until we say there is absolutely no excuse at all whatsoever for this behavior and stand firmly on that statement, the cycle will always continue.