What's scary about this is I think you're serious! Yeah man, I've known a lot of students get paddled to death over the years. :1orglaugh
Yeah, not everyone is going to be behaved....but I'm talking about ENTIRE CLASSES. Not just an individual student. We are currently raising a society of disrespectful little monsters that will eventually grow up and, being that they've never had any discipline in their lives, will eventually become criminals. Some of these criminals will kill others as you mentioned, all because they weren't disciplined as a child.
My best friend once told me how when he was younger his mom would take him to the store. He said everytime they went he'd start throwing a fit for a toy until he got it. In fact, he would throw a fit for toys that he ALREADY OWNED. Well, one day he decided to do this at the store in front of his father. His father told him to stop throwing a fit because he wasn't getting the toy. Needless to say, he wouldn't stop. His father took him out to the car and whooped his behind quite hard from what I understand. He said that he never threw a fit for a toy again.....and yes, he respects and loves his father. :hatsoff:
I'm not referring to students being killed... I'm talking about teachers.
Not only with some of the kids bringing guns and such to school, but some of these parent will kill your ass for touching their kids. I grew up on the south side of Chicago, and I know what it is to have disrespectful classes for teachers, but I could tell you with 100% certainty that if a grown man put a paddle to me, if I didn't get at him, my father would get at me, and then beat the shit outta that teacher.
In regards to your story, that boy's FATHER whooped his ass, not a teacher. Parents are the ones responsible for the physical discipline. Kids DO need that good ass beating from time to time, but that should come from that child's parents... not from some random asshole with a paddle.