Texas brings the pain!


What's scary about this is I think you're serious! Yeah man, I've known a lot of students get paddled to death over the years. :1orglaugh

Yeah, not everyone is going to be behaved....but I'm talking about ENTIRE CLASSES. Not just an individual student. We are currently raising a society of disrespectful little monsters that will eventually grow up and, being that they've never had any discipline in their lives, will eventually become criminals. Some of these criminals will kill others as you mentioned, all because they weren't disciplined as a child.

My best friend once told me how when he was younger his mom would take him to the store. He said everytime they went he'd start throwing a fit for a toy until he got it. In fact, he would throw a fit for toys that he ALREADY OWNED. Well, one day he decided to do this at the store in front of his father. His father told him to stop throwing a fit because he wasn't getting the toy. Needless to say, he wouldn't stop. His father took him out to the car and whooped his behind quite hard from what I understand. He said that he never threw a fit for a toy again.....and yes, he respects and loves his father. :hatsoff:

I'm not referring to students being killed... I'm talking about teachers.

Not only with some of the kids bringing guns and such to school, but some of these parent will kill your ass for touching their kids. I grew up on the south side of Chicago, and I know what it is to have disrespectful classes for teachers, but I could tell you with 100% certainty that if a grown man put a paddle to me, if I didn't get at him, my father would get at me, and then beat the shit outta that teacher.

In regards to your story, that boy's FATHER whooped his ass, not a teacher. Parents are the ones responsible for the physical discipline. Kids DO need that good ass beating from time to time, but that should come from that child's parents... not from some random asshole with a paddle.


That's the usual crock of poo-poo...overstating a problem, then creating a fictional result that never would fly in real life.
Parents in one school system I saw have the choice...allow paddling or not. OK...do you want us to administer the corporal punishment after detention and notes home don't work? Or should we suspend the student, and expel him after a few suspensions?
You pick one...
Most students choose a teacher smacking their ass with a controlled paddling rather than have a pissed off parent bashing their butt or removing their freebie toys (X Box, etc) for fuckin' up and causing problems for Mom and Dad.
Kids suspended need tending, parents don't have the time if they're working.
If a student needs a paddling, he or she is a serious fuck up and needs to be removed from the school population, or they will learn to get along in the system...a good lesson. Either way, a wall is reached that can't be passed. Behave or go full contact with the system you don't wanna work with.
Most parents don't wanna deal with it, so it's the school's way or the Highway.
Better to have specific rules of paddling and witnesses, so no sadistic asshole PE coach gets too macho in a group of other PE coaches, than to send a student with a chance to get something out of the system, out of the system for some brief acting up.
Not all teens get crazy and stay that way...many get right with things given a few chances to deal with growing up in a crazy world.
Paddling with strict enforced controls is much better than ineffectual verbal admonishing .
PS...I housebroke 6-7 week old puppies without ever smacking their butts...it's always a matter of knowing where to apply the pressure.
Hitting randomly is ineffective...specific times and places of applied pain work well.
Really sucks to be your pet!:rofl:
Uh... no.

You are correct, as long as it's inside the home and doesn't "cross the line." I do know that people have been arrested here in VA for spanking their kids in public. The restriction and what is legal or not varies pretty widely from state to state, and it is banned in a number of EU countries.
I wouldn't mind it if they had corporal punishment in every school in every state to be honest. The kids today don't respect anybody.

So True! My Aunt and my GF's sister are teachers in the Chicago Public School system teaching 2nd and 3rd grades and they tell me the horror stories what these little bastards do in their classrooms. They always send unruly students to the principal's office and most of the time after school administrators contact the parents of these kids, the parents don't give a shit and won't do anything to discipline them. On an average school year, my aunt will confront a couple of kids in her classroom with a knife or get personal threats against her. Where do you draw the line?
True enough that parents need to start being the parents, not the friends, in the family households! I'm sick of these enablers who let their kids do whatever they want, never show them cause and effect, consequences, and use that piss poor horrible excuse of: They are just trying to find their own way in life; experimenting until they find what makes them happy.

I'd take any problem child to a jail and show them where they could end up at if they don't straighten up!

If they need spanked, whatever. Too bad. They don't like it because they never had to be corrected in life before and shown consequences of a bad deed!

I'm not saying beat the shit out of them. Though seeing some kids today, it's hard not to beat them and tell them to straighten up and quit acting like you're a heathen!

Discipline them. Make them do some hard work and labor. They get out of hand, spanking may or may not work, it might work for some. Others, make them mow school property grass. Do some janitorial work. Let them learn what a day's work is. Maybe then they will want to get educated and have a somewhat easy life doing something they like. Not something they need to just to survive. Teach them some values and morals in life.

Other kids, the real problem kids, let them spend a weekend in jail and see if they like it to the point they are willing to go down that path in life and end up there for a longer visit.

Spanking isn't what it used to be compared to nowadays.
The biggest problem I have with it is not the fact physical punishment might exist, but that in a school I just don't trust a teacher to be the one to make that judgment call about a child, when it should be done, and how serious a violation it takes to make it happen, especially if it might be my own child. I know if I had a child that got that done and I didn't think they deserved it, he might not be the only one feeling pain after that. I don't trust anybody else besides the person's parents to make that judgment.

I could also see it eventually getting to the point where some teacher uses it as a means of being an asshole or somebody using it for every little thing that some student does wrong. Sort of how cops today abuse tasers where at first they were only meant to be a substitute guns where they where mostly in situations where only a gun would have been used before so didn't have to kill somebody and there was an alternative to lethal force. Now they are some generic enforcement too whenever they want to use one for whatever reason, because they are on a power trip, or because they are lazy.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Paddling was allowed in the classroom when I went to school.
Yet, most of the kids still turned out to be dumbfuck adults.
Violence only begets violence, This is stupid, reactionary and primitive.
hard to believe that Texas is part of the U.S., which is a civilized and democratic nation.
This wouldn't be needed if parents were such pussies and discipline their kids more often. I'm only in my 30s, but if I acted the way I see kids in restaurants, stores and etc...my mom would have slapped me upside the head :1orglaugh.
And I knew better than to be a total out of control spoiled brat as most kids are these days. It's all the parents fault that kids act they way they do
This wouldn't be needed if parents were such pussies and discipline their kids more often. I'm only in my 30s, but if I acted the way I see kids in restaurants, stores and etc...my mom would have slapped me upside the head :1orglaugh.
And I knew better than to be a total out of control spoiled brat as most kids are these days. It's all the parents fault that kids act they way they do

Excellent point. I think we need to paddle these parents for not disciplining their fucking bratty children in the first place. We need to set some serious examples here.



Violence only begets violence, This is stupid, reactionary and primitive.
hard to believe that Texas is part of the U.S., which is a civilized and democratic nation.

You are obviously one of those who weren't paddled at home enough...please pay attention.
Texas is one of many states that has a paddling system in play, is a great place with lots of Yankees living there (people like yourself, only smarter)...or is your mentality so fogged up by childhood issues you can't handle the reality of a non-stereotypical Texas?
Put down the Alamo movies and read something.:rofl: