Texans/Californians/Arizonians...What fast food chain is better?

Which Do You Like? TX v.s. CA

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I'm an LA guy and my favorite place is Fatburger. As far as the choices in this thread, I've lived in California and Texas and have eaten at In 'n' Out Burger and Whataburger. In 'n' Out Burger wins this one easily.
InNOut is decent. Never been to Whataburger.

I prefer independent burger joints. No chains (even well-run ones like InNOut)

McD's = barf! Everyone saw the photos recently of the Happy Meal that won't degrade, right? Whatever McDs sprays on their shit, it ain't decomposing :rofl: :shocked:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I've never been to any of them. Canada is like a third-world county in a lot of aspects.
in-N-out urge

3X3 w/grilled & raw onions!!!

tommy burgers beats both though!
double chili cheseburger, its enough to stop your heart! :1orglaugh