Test your "political compass"


I am more libertarian than i thought, i am quite amazed.


Postal Paranoiac
Excellent thread, FOMM! :thumbsup:
I came up Left-Libertarian--GREEN on the graph.
-3/-2 from center, that puts me very close to Ghandi.
I think board rules require us to post a link to our graph, not the actual graph image.

The test result page offers a link that generates a printable graph in a separate window. One can copy and paste the url of that window to create a link.

that puts me very close to Ghandi.

I'm also hanging out in the mahatma's neighborhood :D
I got slightly off center, to the right, in the bottom left hand quarter.

as usually I don't know what that means. "you are southwest" doesn't tell me anything about politics. I'd prefer to know which political schools of thought my answers were most associated with.

Basically this test comes right out and says that "left" and "right" are useless categories for classification, but they are going to go ahead and base 50% of our outcome on them anyway.

But apparently the Dali llama is pretty near me. Although I don't recall them asking me any questions that relate to Buddhist thinking or pacifism.
This was up during the last election. I took it then and remember that I came up in the middle of the lower right hand quadrant... right-wing libertarian. Basically I was Ron Paul.

I just took it again now. I came up just barely right of dead center. Amazing what 4 years of horrible leadership (from both parties, IMO) can do.
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 0.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.82

It was in Purple making me Libertarian Right


what the fuck you lookin at?
"Pornography should be legal for the adult population"
Did anyone not put strongly agree for this question?

Anyway, I'm pretty damn close to the center, surprise! I don't care, this means nothing to me. Especially since I didn't understand several of the questions!



Take a Hit, Spunker!
Economic Left/Right: -8.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82

I guess I should have put the numbers up for mine,just for comparison purposes.;)