Based on our collection of right-wingnuts here at FO, I'd say this is definitely on-target:
8. White Minority Status
Many people believe that in 2050, if birth and immigration rates do what experts expect them to, white folk will become a minority in the United States. This caused the so-totally-not-racist-and-how-dare-you-even-suggest-as-much Pat Buchanan a shiver of fear, tinged with a hint of nostalgia:
Yet Jews will still control the Fed
The truth is, if this becomes the reality, we're bound to see White Liberals jump ship just as many did when Obama defeated Edwards and Clinton. Please don't try to insist that it never happened.
Naturally, the idea of any outwardly identifiable ethnic minority becoming a majority will put that people in a tizzy, allowing for the amending of philosophy. We only venture into "foreign territory", promotionally, when we think our status is not at risk (i.e., the rich demanding socialism and the middle-class calling for amnesty.)
And, if I may make a bold prediction, Canada will embody Right Wing philosophy in the next few decades if this is true.