ten reasons to go vegetarian



The initial weight you lose from vegetarian diets is from muscle mass loss...because most people don't eat enough protein at first.
It's World Vegetarian Week and here's a few reasons to kick the meat habit.


I actually browsed over the whole link and all the quotes from the ppl. I only know a few vegans and they are lacking in other areas. They are weak and always seem to be tired but hey maybe its just them. In order for there to be a blunt statement like that site is throwing at you it should at least have the cons instead of only the pros. I applaud some of the replies the site had though of people letting them know its foolish in some ways to think everybody being vegan would save the world from a certain demise. I always picture the Vegan protester with the leather shoes on lol. Always gives me a chuckle.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I am a carnivore! I LOVE meat!!!
I'm a vagitarian, myself. :D


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I do not get all these people who bitch and moan about killing animals for food(no offense to the vegans here). I mean animals were put on Earth for us to eat, pure and simple. Now, unless the day comes where a cow, chicken or pig thinks of a cure for cancer or benefits humanity other than for food, I'm eating meat. The only case I won't eat meat if I knew the animal personally.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I do not get all these people who bitch and moan about killing animals for food(no offense to the vegans here). I mean animals were put on Earth for us to eat, pure and simple.

what planet did cows live on before they were put on earth, and who put them here? should we be thanking aliens for Mcdonalds?

You all know how I feel about this, and if you don't, fuck you. that about sums it up.

hey, I'm not gonna bitch. I gave you all the chance to actually learn something, but you're all just a bunch of chumps that believe and do everything that you are told and swallow your burgers without question.

so have fun with the cancer and heart disease, and I hope you got some mad cow and salmonella, ecoli, and all those other nice hormones and chemical additives too.


^Is there an actual reason for the constant hostility? It's getting a little old.

Eat meat, don't eat meat. At least we have the choice whether or not to do so. Healthy doesn't automatically equal a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Substituting an alternative protein source for animal protein a couple days a week is just as healthy. The main reason for heart disease isn't diet, it's lack of exercise.
I think using McDonald's as the meat-eating example is hardly fair. We should stop eating McDonald's because it's chemically-created food that makes you fat. But Human Beings have always been "Hunter/Gatherers"...in this case, our bodies are designed to process meat. It would be unwise to our longterm health to stop eating meat alltogether. But it would be wise to stop eating McDonald's...
A message to all Vegie nut jobs, the human species is omnivorous(sp) and that means we eat meat and plants....so grow the fuck up and eat a steak with that salad. Protein pills and crap are just chemicals, meat isn't fake.

How dare you take a week to celebrate degrading the human body.
GSB already used up my joke. It's just not as funny to refer to myself as an "assitarian".
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I actually browsed over the whole link and all the quotes from the ppl. I only know a few vegans and they are lacking in other areas. They are weak and always seem to be tired but hey maybe its just them. In order for there to be a blunt statement like that site is throwing at you it should at least have the cons instead of only the pros. I applaud some of the replies the site had though of people letting them know its foolish in some ways to think everybody being vegan would save the world from a certain demise. I always picture the Vegan protester with the leather shoes on lol. Always gives me a chuckle.

Vegans are different from vegetarians. The former are opposed to the use of any animal products for any reason, to include leather, skins, furs, oils, etc. While vegetarians simply do not eat meat as part of their diet.

To get an idea of where I'm at on the matter- I'll tell you while I sit in my leather chair in a fur coat, eating a bucket of fried chicken skin.



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Bronze Member
My older sister is a vegetarian for 30 years, and we talked quite a lot about it, and it never really appealed to me that much.

I think eating fruits and vegetables is good and tasty, but a good steak, burgers, sausages, etc, etc is just too important for me feeling like I like it :)