in no real order.
1.john Bonham - Led Zeppelin
2.Keith Moon - The Who
3.Ringo Starr - The Bealtes
4.HellHammer - Mayhem
5.Eric Singer - Kiss "Currently with Alice Cooper"
6.Pete Sandoval - Morbid Angel
7.Vinnie Paul Abbott - Pantera
8.John Paul Densmore - The Doors
9.Peter Criss - Kiss
1.john Bonham - Led Zeppelin
2.Keith Moon - The Who
3.Ringo Starr - The Bealtes
4.HellHammer - Mayhem
5.Eric Singer - Kiss "Currently with Alice Cooper"
6.Pete Sandoval - Morbid Angel
7.Vinnie Paul Abbott - Pantera
8.John Paul Densmore - The Doors
9.Peter Criss - Kiss