I wouldn't have, and I'd wager you wouldn't have either.
You're right, I wouldn't. But, I wasn't part of the majority in my high school; I was a rare breed, as I'm sure you are too.
(Are we wooing eachother right now? :dunno
Again, just because there are many that would doesn't absolve them of responsibility for betraying a major confidence. Youth is no excuse either. High school aged kids are plenty old enough to discriminate right from wrong in that situation.
You're exactly right. High school aged kids
are plenty old enough to discriminate right from wrong in that situation. Yet, that girl still sent a naked picture of herself to her boyfriend's cell phone, knowing how wrong it was.
Anyway, I just can't wrap my mind around where you're coming from with this one, Chef. If you want to accuse her of being naive, that's fine. Foolish even, ok. Because yes there was some innate risk he'd turn out to be the type that would use them against her. But bottom line the photos only became public due to a conscious, vindictive act perpetrated by him and him alone.
This is where I'm coming from...
If she didn't
willingly take a naked picture of herself on her cell phone and then
willingly send it to her boyfriend on his cell phone, there wouldn't be a picture to be circulated in the first place. Nobody made her take the picture and nobody made her send it. She did that all on her own.
What the boyfriend did is
not cool, but they are in
high school. What do you
really expect from high school kids? Yes, she was foolish and yes, she was seemingly
very naive, but you can't tell me that she was blind to the reality of what could happen with naked pictures on people's cell phones.
Everybody in the world knows what happens, especially the people who are actually sending eachother naked pictures.
Why do people webcam with each other, or send digital photos via email? It's titillating. It's a form of foreplay. I see nothing puzzling about that at all :dunno: And unless otherwise stated it's implicit that kind of sharing is private.
Yet, how many webcam videos do you see that are posted all over the internet? This all goes back to the "
everybody in the world knows what happens" comment that I just made. People have this "it will never happen to me" attitude. Then, when it
does happen to them, they point fingers at
everybody else, because there is "
no way" that it's
their own fault, God forbid.
FYI - I have a piece of electrical tape covering my webcam lense. It's built into my laptop so I can't remove it. I'm well aware that hacking into people's webcams isn't something that is hard to do and I'm well aware that it happens every single day. So, I'm taking precaution because I'm not an idiot. I know what happens...
It's her own fault that HE had naked pictures of her. It's HIS fault that anyone else saw them.
Once again, if there wasn't any naked pictures to begin with...
:2 cents:
I understand Chef, and didn't in any way think you were trying to minimize that.
The dude is a scumbag and he shouldn't have showed anybody those pictures. But, that doesn't take anything away from the girl's stupidity though.
Shit, when I was high school, I didn't trust the night if my girlfriend went out with her friends without me. But, now-a-days, kids are sending eachother naked pictures of themselves like everybody is so trustworthy. It makes NO sense to me.
I guess this is where we go, "Pfft...kids" and then shake our heads.