Teen Kills Self Over "Sexting"...

They would've never been public(or existed for that matter) if she didn't take them.
Plus how many people would kill ourselves if all of our peers saw nudez of us? I'm willing to be less than 2%. It's obviously something was wrong with her anyway because normal people don't kill themselves over shit like that.
They would've never been public(or existed for that matter) if she didn't take them.
Plus how many people would kill ourselves if all of our peers saw nudez of us? I'm willing to be less than 2%. It's obviously something was wrong with her anyway because normal people don't kill themselves over shit like that.

Thus far I don't see anyone here arguing that's he's directly responsible for her suicide.

And yes it's extremely likely she has other issues.

But none of that absolves him from being a vindictive little prick publicizing what he knew perfectly well were private photographs.

To simplify this situation let's break it down into three steps, or acts if you will, with the third act being a huge departure from the first two.

1) Girl takes photo of herself (voluntary act on her part)
2) Girl sends photo to boyfriend (voluntary act on her part)
3) Boyfriend shares photo with others (boyfriend non consensually violates her)

Without act 3 acts 1 & 2 never become public record.

How is that so hard to understand? :dunno:
ok, the boyfriends an ass, we all know that, what's your point?

Lets look at this:
Kid brings gun to school to show off
Kid loses gun,emotionally unstable kid finds the gun
Emotional unstable kid kills 5 kids.

Who's fought is it?
Honestly, that's one of the things that disturb me the most about the mindset of many Americans today. All this "you brought this on to yourself" and "you get what you deserve" attitude in America nowadays....no wonder that country made slogans like "gun your neighbor" world-famous. The US society grows more and more into a society which allows no mistakes and has no decency and respect for the lifes of others whatsoever.

Anyone care how the boyfriend might feel? His girlfriend just killed herself ostensibly because of him. I'd be devastated for life.
ok, the boyfriends an ass, we all know that, what's your point?

Well if we all know that how come his girlfriend is being targeted here, when she did nothing more than share something sexy and intimate with him that she should reasonably expect would remain private?

Lets look at this:
Kid brings gun to school to show off
Kid loses gun,emotionally unstable kid finds the gun
Emotional unstable kid kills 5 kids.

Who's fought is it?

Bad parallel as there's nothing overt or premeditated in this scenario, whereas there is in the real life situation.

Anyone care how the boyfriend might feel? His girlfriend just killed herself ostensibly because of him. I'd be devastated for life.

I hope it will help him grow up. I hope his peers will learn what not to do from his example.
Well if we all know that how come his girlfriend is being targeted here, when she did nothing more than share something sexy and intimate with him that she should reasonably expect would remain private?
Not when she broke up with him. Plus she was 18 years old, basically an adult. She's too old to not be thinking about the risk of her actions.

Bad parallel as there's nothing overt or premeditated in this scenario, whereas there is in the real life situation.Idiot, in my scenario, if the kid would've never taken the gun to school, no one would've gotten killed. Just like if she never took those pictures, no one would've saw them.
lol at you.
Idiot, in my scenario, if the kid would've never taken the gun to school, no one would've gotten killed. Just like if she never took those pictures, no one would've saw them.

If I were you I'd be careful who I'm calling an idiot, as the evidence is rapidly piling up that you're exactly that. In your scenario the gun was not taken to school with any intent to harm. In the real world scenario the photo was shown to others with exactly that intent. So once again, your parallel is bogus.

Not when she broke up with him.

So in your mind the fact she broke up with him gives him the right to violate her. Wow. That speaks volumes about your lack both of ethics and maturity.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this retarded A$$Clown of a BF eventually commits suicide himself, when he comes to realize what he did killed somebody he knew!!

And lets not forget that eventually, when he mentally sorts it all out, he'll always know she killed herself because of him, and the fact that she trusted him, and when he learns what guilt feels like, it will undoubtedly haunt him for the rest of his life!! :yesyes::rolleyes::mad:

1.NO dumbass, in both cases, there is an object that brings harm, one of them is a gun, the other is the pictures. Both of those things could've been prevented. Again, if she would've never taken the pictures, they would've never existed FACT.

2.NO, we don't know the story, just part of it, how do we know she didn't say anything thing mean to him when they broke up, or she was cheating on him?

Now answer this, If she would've never taken the pictures, this wouldn't have happened, am I right?

I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept responsibilty for ones actions. That's exactly what it was. She showed him the pictures, and she was going to have to take responsibility for whatever happened.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I wouldn't have, and I'd wager you wouldn't have either.

You're right, I wouldn't. But, I wasn't part of the majority in my high school; I was a rare breed, as I'm sure you are too.

(Are we wooing eachother right now? :dunno:)

Again, just because there are many that would doesn't absolve them of responsibility for betraying a major confidence. Youth is no excuse either. High school aged kids are plenty old enough to discriminate right from wrong in that situation.

You're exactly right. High school aged kids are plenty old enough to discriminate right from wrong in that situation. Yet, that girl still sent a naked picture of herself to her boyfriend's cell phone, knowing how wrong it was.

Anyway, I just can't wrap my mind around where you're coming from with this one, Chef. If you want to accuse her of being naive, that's fine. Foolish even, ok. Because yes there was some innate risk he'd turn out to be the type that would use them against her. But bottom line the photos only became public due to a conscious, vindictive act perpetrated by him and him alone.

This is where I'm coming from...

If she didn't willingly take a naked picture of herself on her cell phone and then willingly send it to her boyfriend on his cell phone, there wouldn't be a picture to be circulated in the first place. Nobody made her take the picture and nobody made her send it. She did that all on her own.

What the boyfriend did is not cool, but they are in high school. What do you really expect from high school kids? Yes, she was foolish and yes, she was seemingly very naive, but you can't tell me that she was blind to the reality of what could happen with naked pictures on people's cell phones.

Everybody in the world knows what happens, especially the people who are actually sending eachother naked pictures.

Why do people webcam with each other, or send digital photos via email? It's titillating. It's a form of foreplay. I see nothing puzzling about that at all :dunno: And unless otherwise stated it's implicit that kind of sharing is private.

Yet, how many webcam videos do you see that are posted all over the internet? This all goes back to the "everybody in the world knows what happens" comment that I just made. People have this "it will never happen to me" attitude. Then, when it does happen to them, they point fingers at everybody else, because there is "no way" that it's their own fault, God forbid.

FYI - I have a piece of electrical tape covering my webcam lense. It's built into my laptop so I can't remove it. I'm well aware that hacking into people's webcams isn't something that is hard to do and I'm well aware that it happens every single day. So, I'm taking precaution because I'm not an idiot. I know what happens...

It's her own fault that HE had naked pictures of her. It's HIS fault that anyone else saw them.

Once again, if there wasn't any naked pictures to begin with...

:2 cents:

I understand Chef, and didn't in any way think you were trying to minimize that.

The dude is a scumbag and he shouldn't have showed anybody those pictures. But, that doesn't take anything away from the girl's stupidity though.

Shit, when I was high school, I didn't trust the night if my girlfriend went out with her friends without me. But, now-a-days, kids are sending eachother naked pictures of themselves like everybody is so trustworthy. It makes NO sense to me.

I guess this is where we go, "Pfft...kids" and then shake our heads.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
ok, the boyfriends an ass, we all know that, what's your point?

Lets look at this:
Kid brings gun to school to show off
Kid loses gun,emotionally unstable kid finds the gun
Emotional unstable kid kills 5 kids.

Who's fought is it?

A) It's "whose fault is it?"...


1.NO dumbass, in both cases, there is an object that brings harm, one of them is a gun, the other is the pictures. Both of those things could've been prevented. Again, if she would've never taken the pictures, they would've never existed FACT.

B) ...and then you call him a dumbass? :1orglaugh Sorry, I had to.

You can't compare those two things at all. In the example you gave, of the kid bringing a gun to school, you said that he lost it. This girl didn't lose her naked picture, she purposely sent it to somebody else.

*2.NO, we don't know the story, just part of it, how do we know she didn't say anything thing mean to him when they broke up, or she was cheating on him?

That still wouldn't make what he did acceptable or even right.

Now answer this, If she would've never taken the pictures, this wouldn't have happened, am I right?

I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept responsibilty for ones actions. That's exactly what it was. She showed him the pictures, and she was going to have to take responsibility for whatever happened.

I agree with that.

If a married couple makes a sex tape for their own private use, but then they divorce a few years down the road, chances are (especially in today's society), that tape is going to be shown to other people. So, that's something you need to think about when you do something like that. People never think about tomorrow; it's always about today. If people would think of what could happen down the road, then they would see how ill-advised some of their decisions really are.

Umm, also, just to throw this out there...

You should probably stop with the name calling. It just makes you look stupid and if you keep it up, it'll only get you banned.

:2 cents:
All I'm saying is that he is obviously an ass, but you can't throw all of the blame on him. Sure there was probably a 15% chance of him showing the pictures, which is probably why she went threw with sending them. But still, she knew what could've happened,but in reality, she didn't think it would, and in reality, it did. That's all there is to it.

Will E Worm

This is going to make me sound like a huuuuuge asshole, but SHE is the one who took the picture of herself and SHE is the one who willingly sent the picture to her boyfriend. So, how is anybody else to blame for her picture being seen by other people?

I don't see anything wrong with what you said.

She took the picture and she is responsible.

Also, this serves as a perfect example as to why you shouldn't be taking naked pictures of yourself, especially when you're in high school.

Any nude picture or video whether you're young or old can come back to haunt you.

Just remember that. Think before you do anything. :hatsoff:
I believe she thought these were for his eyes only and no matter that they broke up I believe he was wrong for showing the picture to others. As for her killing herself though maybe it was because she was so young and could not handle the pressure she was receiving from the "teasers."........:dunno:
If she didn't willingly take a naked picture of herself on her cell phone and then willingly send it to her boyfriend on his cell phone, there wouldn't be a picture to be circulated in the first place. Nobody made her take the picture and nobody made her send it. She did that all on her own.

You really don't get it do you? The fact she send her boyfriend naked pictures of herself is not important. The only thing that's important here is that her boyfriend betrayed her trust. If he hadn't violated her trust over the pictures he would've violated her trust over something else eventually (the intent was always there, the pictures were just the katalyst). He lied to her from the first day they met by not telling her he's not a trustworthy person. If the girl had known this she would never have send him the pictures. Don't blame an innocent girl for being harrased over a silly mistake but put the blame were it rightfully belongs.
It's sad she was so upset she killed herself and just couldn't get the lesson we all learned at that age.You can not trust people especially at that age to not do such things.Proclamations like I will love you forever and so and so on fade fast at that age.The lesson for other girls is if you take naked pictures of yourself and send them out to anyone expect that they are now going to be made public,anything else is just being naive which unfortuantely most teens are.
Is the boy a cad and all that of course, but she is the one who made the real mis-judement and was naive sending those pictures out.
Note to everyone on this thread....

Just fyi, if you send any type of data via any type of communication lines....
Like internet (twisted pair-fiber cable), cellular (microwave), phone (twisted pair), or satellite communication... it can be intercepted. You know what that means, you guess it... you send nudes/talk dirty/look at porn/video chat.... others can and or will see it. So to prevent something like this "tragedy" happening again (by the release of what I'd call sensitive information) follow this simple golden rule. If you wouldn't want others to see it, hear it, or even talk about it.... don't send it. If you want to talk about cell phone encryption... simple, it's a joke. Same goes with internet encryption. Oh and just so you know, encryption only works to delay the inevitable.

Do feel sorry for her killing herself, yes and no... She decided to use a permanent solution to a temporary problem. She has other higher powers to answer for that, if you are the religious type. Is it sad that someone would off themselves because of it, yeah, I'm sorry that she even thought that way. Shall I judge her on it, nope... I remain neutral, not my area to judge others on their actions.

Now let's get on to responsibility...
a) Was she responsible for sending photos, yes
b) Was he responsible for re-sending photos, yes
c) Am I responsible for this, fuck no.... and I reiterate... if you follow that little gem in the 1st real paragraph of mine, you'd know my stance. Yes I'm an asshole, but i know a few simple things in life... Like security, and how to defend people in armed conflict. It's what I do best.

My bottom line, her family has my empathy, not my sympathy...
Very sad story. I think she made a bad decision, but she's a kid. Really we all made dumb decisions at that age. Unfortunately her ex-boyfriend seems like a total douchebag to spread the pic around school.

Will E Worm

This is where I'm coming from...

If she didn't willingly take a naked picture of herself on her cell phone and then willingly send it to her boyfriend on his cell phone, there wouldn't be a picture to be circulated in the first place. Nobody made her take the picture and nobody made her send it. She did that all on her own.

What the boyfriend did is not cool, but they are in high school. What do you really expect from high school kids?

She sent the pictures willingly. It is her fault.

What did she expect from her High School boyfriend?
Especially since they broke up. She reaped what she had sown. ;)

Note to everyone on this thread....

Just fyi, if you send any type of data via any type of communication lines....
Like internet (twisted pair-fiber cable), cellular (microwave), phone (twisted pair), or satellite communication... it can be intercepted. You know what that means, you guess it... you send nudes/talk dirty/look at porn/video chat.... others can and or will see it. So to prevent something like this "tragedy" happening again (by the release of what I'd call sensitive information) follow this simple golden rule. If you wouldn't want others to see it, hear it, or even talk about it.... don't send it.

People still don't get this. Sending sensitive information on the Internet, or on cell phones, or even what you say can be intercepted or hacked into.

I can hear my next door neighbor on the phone sometimes.

I even heard the police on my phone once or twice. :rolleyes:

Everyone needs to learn to take personal responsibility and not whine when the nude picture or sex tape is shown to the world. You can blame no one but yourself.

I'm also tired of these girls thinking they need to do these things to keep their boyfriend. If you have to then you don't need him. Case closed. :hammer: