Apparently my membership ran out yesterday, instead of today as I thought, so this week's update is more vague. They have an episode called "Rachel, come fuck me" -- and IIRC Mystery Lap Dance Girl (MLDG) was called Rachel in College Rules, so it sounds like it could be a 'maybe,' BUT bangbros (they own the site) is numbering it as scene 6375, which is consistent with scenes shot in December 09 (on their main site, they released scene 7696 today).
Not enough evidence for me to pick up a new membership (particularly when they've already been advertising MLDG and Britney Beth for two months with no scenes, natch), though if someone else would like to pick up the torch for a month or two and get actual confirmation, they're more than welcome to. Until then, I'm still waiting.
Not enough evidence for me to pick up a new membership (particularly when they've already been advertising MLDG and Britney Beth for two months with no scenes, natch), though if someone else would like to pick up the torch for a month or two and get actual confirmation, they're more than welcome to. Until then, I'm still waiting.