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Tea Party Protestors (aka "Teabaggers") Attack Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel

I've already linked to this poster at the recent teabagger event that hints that health care reform (from Dems and/or Obama) will end in piles of corpses like Dachau in 1945.

but they're getting even worse now - so much for the Christian-Jewish love brought about by the neocon revolution a few years back!



Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel criticized a Teabagger protester in Washington, DC this week who held up a sign showing dead bodies from the Dachau concentration camp stacked in a pile, and compared this to the Democrats' health care reform plan. Here are a few of the Teabaggers' responses to Weisel, posted on Politico:

Rothschilds nothing! Everyone knows that Obama is George Soros sock puppet. Wasn't Soros Jewish once upon a time? May the Schwartz be with you.

The jews need to clam up and accept the fact that they are in a Chritian country.

This hollowcost thing is totally overblown by the jewish.

Eli Wiesel should just go back to Indonesia. I don't see him condemnig the terrorist shooter at Fort Hood.

Elie is a whiner. She should stop her whining. You didn't not complane when the libs were calling Bush Hitler.

You know what? The fact is that at a time in history, The Rosthchild family controlled practically everything.This is a fact. Not anti semitic. I resent the Jewish outrage at everything. I am a tea partier. obama is a Marxist and takes his orders from George Soros... it is similar and these people need to get a life., Why any Jew would support the Obama administation is a mystery anyway. He is a Muslim sympathizer and the greatest threat to Israel ever to sit in the White House. Wake up Jewish community. Take off the blinders.

Rothschild sign? Well its factually true. They were one of the primary families involved in founding the Federal Reserve and are still in it up to their necks. Obama, Bush, and every president since Wilson have done as the Fed told them. Since it a valid historical fact that this family was involved in creating and still has ownership of a substantial piece of the Federal Reserve (but nobody seems to know how much), I guess its now Anti- Semitic to discuss anything a Jew does critically? This guy is a Hebrew Al Sharpton.

Elie, how did that whole Madoff thing work out for you?

Elie Wiesel: Newest, most current tool of the sick, perverted, racist, anti-semetic Democrap party. Have you no shame Democraps?


Here's Wiesel's (indirect) tweet:


More here:

and here:



It's painfully obvious that you think most FreeOnes members are low IQ and low on cognitive ability...or you are afflicted with those problems. Even a Chimp can be trained to a point of looking intelligent.
Quoting Right Wingnut blog comments as any kind of mainstream Tea Party agenda or response is pathetic...and the Left Wingnut site the story was run on is just as extreme and obvious. Clue one is their constant use of the term "Teabagger", a dead giveaway that the writer is a frightened Leftie in serious denial over the steady abandoning of the Obama agenda and the Democrat Party by many centrist Americans from all parties.
Like yourself, their frantic grasping of any and all "Conspiracy" theories shows a serious lack of intellectual acumen , while searching in such an obvious manner for some reason to dismiss the disillusion many Americans are beginning to feel strongly towards the radical Left Dem White House; what many warned would happen if Obama was elected is indeed happening, and millions of "Hope"ful Americans are getting the picture.
How many millions of our depleted treasury were wasted on passing a Mystery Bill in the House, a "bill" that will not pass the Senate.
Even if pigs began flying alongside the monkeys that came outa my butt and the bill passes, it takes effect in 2013 or so.
By then it will implode over unenforceable provisions, unfunded mandates and just plain stupid sections no one will want or allow...not to mention that there will be 2 Congressional Elections and a Presidential race by then.
You and a few of the more vocal UberLibs here will keep on spewing the usual unfounded prophesies and Lib talking points right up until the end of the Obama Nightmare, I'm sure, but no one will be paying much attention by then. The writing is already on the wall...
Bye Bye...:wave2:
It's painfully obvious that you think most FreeOnes members are low IQ and low on cognitive ability...or you are afflicted with those problems. Even a Chimp can be trained to a point of looking intelligent.
Quoting Right Wingnut blog comments as any kind of mainstream Tea Party agenda or response is pathetic...and the Left Wingnut site the story was run on is just as extreme and obvious. Clue one is their constant use of the term "Teabagger", a dead giveaway that the writer is a frightened Leftie in serious denial over the steady abandoning of the Obama agenda and the Democrat Party by many centrist Americans from all parties.
Like yourself, their frantic grasping of any and all "Conspiracy" theories shows a serious lack of intellectual acumen , while searching in such an obvious manner for some reason to dismiss the disillusion many Americans are beginning to feel strongly towards the radical Left Dem White House; what many warned would happen if Obama was elected is indeed happening, and millions of "Hope"ful Americans are getting the picture.
How many millions of our depleted treasury were wasted on passing a Mystery Bill in the House, a "bill" that will not pass the Senate.
Even if pigs began flying alongside the monkeys that came outa my butt and the bill passes, it takes effect in 2013 or so.
By then it will implode over unenforceable provisions, unfunded mandates and just plain stupid sections no one will want or allow...not to mention that there will be 2 Congressional Elections and a Presidential race by then.
You and a few of the more vocal UberLibs here will keep on spewing the usual unfounded prophesies and Lib talking points right up until the end of the Obama Nightmare, I'm sure, but no one will be paying much attention by then. The writing is already on the wall...
Bye Bye...:wave2:

You and others are haters of Obama in any event. To the degree that Obama's support among his real supporters has dipped it's because he hasn't been this Uber Leftest on things like gays and the wars. Those creating and gobbling up myths on spending were/are not Obama supporters to begin with.

To that I would say they didn't understand who or what they were voting for in the first place. Obama whether you like the notion or not binds himself to his constitutional authority/limits. He's not inclined to make law where congress should (i.e. with gays in the military, etc.) and he campaigned for two years saying he's not anti-war and he was going to escalate the war in Afghanistan...and explained his reasoning.
Rothschilds nothing! Everyone knows that Obama is George Soros sock puppet. Wasn't Soros Jewish once upon a time? May the Schwartz be with you.

The jews need to clam up and accept the fact that they are in a Chritian country.

This hollowcost thing is totally overblown by the jewish.

Eli Wiesel should just go back to Indonesia. I don't see him condemnig the terrorist shooter at Fort Hood.

Elie is a whiner. She should stop her whining. You didn't not complane when the libs were calling Bush Hitler.

You know what? The fact is that at a time in history, The Rosthchild family controlled practically everything.This is a fact. Not anti semitic. I resent the Jewish outrage at everything. I am a tea partier. obama is a Marxist and takes his orders from George Soros... it is similar and these people need to get a life., Why any Jew would support the Obama administation is a mystery anyway. He is a Muslim sympathizer and the greatest threat to Israel ever to sit in the White House. Wake up Jewish community. Take off the blinders.

Rothschild sign? Well its factually true. They were one of the primary families involved in founding the Federal Reserve and are still in it up to their necks. Obama, Bush, and every president since Wilson have done as the Fed told them. Since it a valid historical fact that this family was involved in creating and still has ownership of a substantial piece of the Federal Reserve (but nobody seems to know how much), I guess its now Anti- Semitic to discuss anything a Jew does critically? This guy is a Hebrew Al Sharpton.

Elie, how did that whole Madoff thing work out for you?

Elie Wiesel: Newest, most current tool of the sick, perverted, racist, anti-semetic Democrap party. Have you no shame Democraps?


Oh, the humanity.
fuck 'em, you'll never quiet all the douche bags in a country, you should simply pitty them for being so retarded
"yes hitler and all the nazis wanted to give the jews medicare, now here's a cookie go put on your hardhat"
It's too bad Torre82min is no longer around... I would have liked to know what he would have said about this... (assuming his parents or grandparents came from Europe & didn't migrate to the US until after the war...)


It's too bad Torre82min is no longer around... I would have liked to know what he would have said about this... (assuming his parents or grandparents came from Europe & didn't migrate to the US until after the war...)

Why? 'Cause he's one of the many Jews on the site?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I have no idea how many of the Teabaggers are like that. I actually think some of them have some legitimate concerns about the growth and intrustion of government... though I continue to question where they've been while we've been pumping billion$/month into Iraq. I guess these are recent converts to fiscal conservatism. :dunno:

But anyway, I think some of them have a point, or at least have enough basic intelligence to make a point. And quite clearly, some of them are the dregs of humanity, just latching onto a movement so that they have something (else) to grunt and whine about. Like the moron who took his AR15 to the health care gathering in Arizona. Every movement is going to attract its share of fringe element weirdos. Unfortunately, the Tea Party thing seems to be causing more than a few tinfoil hat types to come out of the woodwork... screaming like stuck pigs and repeating words that they've heard on TV, but couldn't (properly) define if their lives depended on it.

It is fascinating that some dullards think that Obama can be both a Nazi and a Communist at the same time though. Hmm, I wonder what that party meeting would look like? :rolleyes:


It is fascinating that some dullards think that Obama can be both a Nazi and a Communist at the same time though. Hmm, I wonder what that party meeting would look like? :rolleyes:

A blood bath since they are extream opposits of the political and social spectrum.


^ ^Tin Foil Hatters ? Don't you keep your foodstuffs pantry & ammo cache well stocked ? :p

Author -

,Just like your "broken clock is correct twice daily" jingle, we can always find a red baiter (inciting agent and his or her camera person) or three at a tea party, soooo. . . :dunno:

ø No Broad Brushin'ø
Conservatives once again showing their true colors. Once people see the pure hatred these protesters spew, it's not a surprise more and more people are turning away from the GOP and its fringe tea party movement.


Conservatives once again showing their true colors. Once people see the pure hatred these protesters spew, it's not a surprise more and more people are turning away from the GOP and its fringe tea party movement.

And you stay up all night waiting for the Tooth Fairy to show, don'tcha?:rofl:
NeoCunts are a bunch of greedy, treacherous and lying dumbfucks
The only thing the Democrats need to worry about is who's gonig to run after Obama's two terms, because Biden will be too old.
^ Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney or Al Franken would be great Presidents after Obama's 2 terms :)


The last three posts brought to you by "Jay Leno's Jaywalk All-Stars" Fact Check Team!

Rhodes Scholars each one!
And I'll bet that Hellraiser guy has a degree in advanced NeoCon detection and a sub-major in TinFoil Origami...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
It is fascinating that some dullards think that Obama can be both a Nazi and a Communist at the same time though. Hmm, I wonder what that party meeting would look like? :rolleyes:

I consider communism and fascism two sides of the same coin. It's like saying leninism and maoism are polar opposites. They're both tyrannies about supreme government control over all aspects of life. I believe the reason people think communism and fascism are polar opposites in the political spectrum is because of the fact that fascists fought communists both in WWII and in the Spanish Civil War. Fascism and communism are on the extreme left as it's about complete government control. Anarchy would be the extreme right as it's about no government at all.