And finally, after more than a whole year, THE FINAL EPISODE:
Season 5 Episode 10
bush,boobs,butt,thong;G/G:explicit pussyeating;B/G:licking,explicit bj+hj+fingering+fucking(brief)
aka Jeanie Marie Sullivan
Danielle (piercing:navel;tats: lower back,left pelvis,right belly,right foot)
boobs,bush,butt;G/G:explicit pussyeating;B/G:licking,kissing,pussyeating,explicit fucking(brief)+bj+hj
aka Danielle Maria ; IDed by kkaa22
Janelle the Hostess
no nude
Unnamed Police Officer
no nude
aka Mandy Pauline (also on s2e6,s2e8,s2e9,s5e1,s5e5)
Tawny the Police Officer
Tawny Young aka Tawny Amber Young (also on s1e1, s5e3,s5e6)
Unnamed Hostess (piercing:tongue,clit;tats:right ankle, left shoulderblade,lower back,left pelvis)
s5e10 tats:
Now that we have all the girls' pics it should make it easier to come up with the few remaining IDs, there are plenty of models on sites like modelmayhem who claimed to have been on the show who have yet to be matched up to any of the cast.
Also, remember that the pics from the first 2 seasons that were taken down are still available on the adultdvdtalk thread which I will eventually update with all these latest episodes and IDs so that anyone can scroll through the entire cast's profile pics on a single page to more easily look them up and make new IDs.