Tawny Roberts


  • Yes

    Votes: 30 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Meh

    Votes: 4 11.1%

  • Total voters
I read that she is "retired" now, is that right? If true, she needs to UN-retire ASAP. ;)
Re: Tawny Roberts - Cabin Scene

I was on soulseek and noticed a vid called Tawny Roberts - cabin sex, looks like a fantastic vid, one prob though, my net speed is crap and its gonna take forever!, does anyone know where i can get the vidcaps or a set of that?
Ive tried looking, i streamed a bit of the scene....it starts with tawny in jean shorts.....

Try googling, "Tawny Roberts' Cabin Fuck Scene (Full)" and see what you come up with.
are you insane?!!!! her new tits are much better ,and her lips better!!is my love!!!the surgerys are the best!!!

nothing new of her last month... is she still active???

According to Wikipedia,she retired last December
I hope she comes back because she was the best looking and best performing woman in all of the biz,imo.She's my absolute favorite of all time,and there isn't even a close second(well maybe Lexus Locklear:tongue:).