Taleban hang 7-year-old boy to punish family

A friend of mine (who's now ex-British Army) did a tour back in 2008 and when he came home he said that "The women are (in some cases) worse than the men over there".

Because it's quite tribal in some places of Afghanistan, are the women who live in tribal camps not like normal Afghan women? More like wild animals who do savage things? :dunno:

They're a bunch of sick bastards, the lot of them. :mad:
the problem with those who believe that they're 100% right is that they can find a reason to justify any action because all of their actions are 'right'
The Taleban torture people before they kill them (it's a well known fact). Afghanistan as a country is FUBAR.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
More good news from "The religion of peace." They'll probably drive a car over an eight year old's arm as an encore. Wait, they've done that several times already. Fundamentalist twats. I think I'm going to draw a cartoon of Mohammed shtooping a camel.


More good news from "The religion of peace." They'll probably drive a car over an eight year old's arm as an encore. Wait, they've done that several times already. Fundamentalist twats. I think I'm going to draw a cartoon of Mohammed shtooping a camel.

if they had cameras during his lifetime, you wouldn't need to draw a pic. we'd have photos :)
See, we on the right told you so. Those people are downright monsters, so my question for you hippies around here is, will you guys stop cuddling those bastards and let our brave men and women deal with them instead of court martialing them for giving one of them a fat lip? Why not just let loose the dogs of war on them? Are hippies afraid that they're going to hate us even more? How much more can they hate us? I mean, if they had nukes they would have used them long ago and if they were to get one they would use it right away.

The reason they hate us is not because we invaded Iraq, they already hated us long before that, I mean, how many countries had we invaded and occupied on or before 09-11-01? What about the World Trade Center bombing back in 1993 I believe, which probably many of you are too young to remember? How many countries had we invaded and occupied before then? And about Afghanistan, before 1979 it was a peaceful country, but thanks to the Soviet Union invading, Afghanistan has been FUBAR ever since, so my point there is that America is NOT to blame for conditions there. Had the Soviet Union never invaded, who knows, maybe Afghanistan would have been like Pakistan or Iran, countries that are, in comparison, a lot more at peace.
Afghanistan needs more drastic regime change than Karzai. If we pulled out of Afghanistan tomorrow, his government would fall to the Taliban two minutes after we left. That situation is a serious threat now, seeing as Muslim Extremists seem bent on overthrowing neighboring Pakistan's weak-ass government, too. For those of you who are afraid of "The Muslim Bomb", you'd better pray Pakistan doesn't fall to these people, because Pakistan DOES have nuclear weapons. I hate to say it, but a moderate "Taliban-free" Afghanistan seems like the best way, short term, to keep the Taliban and Al-Qaeda from creating a Jihad Nuclear Power.
member? How many countries had we invaded and occupied before then? And about Afghanistan, before 1979 it was a peaceful country, but thanks to the Soviet Union invading, Afghanistan has been FUBAR ever since, so my point there is that America is NOT to blame for conditions there. Had the Soviet Union never invaded, who knows, maybe Afghanistan would have been like Pakistan or Iran, countries that are, in comparison, a lot more at peace.

I agree with most of your post, but you are wrong about this. Do some research on the British colonial rule of Afghanistan.
And about Afghanistan, before 1979 it was a peaceful country, but thanks to the Soviet Union invading, Afghanistan has been FUBAR ever since, so my point there is that America is NOT to blame for conditions there. Had the Soviet Union never invaded, who knows, maybe Afghanistan would have been like Pakistan or Iran, countries that are, in comparison, a lot more at peace.

you obviously havent seen the movie charlie wilson's war. it explains why afghanistan hates us. basically because after we supplied them the weapons to fight the soviets, and drove the commies back, we left them. they asked for our help to build their country but american basically said naah, we're just too good for you and frankly its rather embrassing to have helped you people, thus sending afghanistan to its dark ages all awhile the people were shooting up smack and the taliban growing ever so bold. we're to blame why afghanistan is the way it is :thumbsup:
And about Afghanistan, before 1979 it was a peaceful country, but thanks to the Soviet Union invading, Afghanistan has been FUBAR ever since, so my point there is that America is NOT to blame for conditions there. Had the Soviet Union never invaded, who knows, maybe Afghanistan would have been like Pakistan or Iran, countries that are, in comparison, a lot more at peace.

Afghanistan was far from a peaceful country before 1979. The People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) led by Nur Mohammad Taraki, Babrak Karmal and Amin overthrew the regime of Mohammad Daoud, who was killed along with his family in 1978. They actually promoted a socialist agenda which promoted state ATHEISM and equality for women who could now become politicians, one example was Anahita Ratebzad who declared: "Privileges which women, by right, must have are equal education, job security, health services, and free time to rear a healthy generation for building the future of the country ... Educating and enlightening women is now the subject of close government attention."

However the US saw the situation as a prime opportunity to weaken the Soviet Union (Cold War policy) and luring them into Afghanistan as they had also done in Vietnam. To bolster the Parcham (PDPA) faction, the Soviet Union—citing the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighborliness the two countries signed in 1978—intervened on December 24, 1979. Over 100,000 Soviet troops took part in the invasion backed by another one hundred thousand and by members of the Parcham faction. In response to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and part of its overall Cold War strategy, the US responded by arming and otherwise supporting the Afghan mujahideen, which had taken up arms against the Soviet occupiers. Following the removal of the Soviet forces (who withdrew in 1989), the U.S. and its allies lost interest in Afghanistan and did little to help rebuild the war-ravaged country or influence events there.

To sum up the Soviets were actually trying to support a democratic Socialist government (The West may view this as a sort of Communism) free of Islamic extremism, the US as part of it's Cold War strategy armed and supported the Afghan Mujahadeen (not caring that they were religious extremists at the time as anti-Communism was No.1 enemy back then) and when the Soviets were driven out of Afghanistan the US saw it as job done and left the war torn Afghans to fend for themselves which left a vacuum for the Taliban to exploit, especially now many of their members had CIA training as well as US weapons to aid them. Maybe both the Soviets and the US are guilty of using Afghanistan as a Cold War plaything but I'll give the Soviets slightly more credit for supporting a Socialist government (that could only have advanced Afghanistan positively) than the US who supported the Mujahadeen and its religious fanatics just to overthrow the Soviet backed government without offering any other governmental alternative that could've possibly helped the Afghan people. For shame. :2 cents: