Let's get it out in the open so there won't be any confusion.
I believe that you as a globalist, atheist , derive some pleasure from seeing Christians at odds with Islam.
Instead of explaining the economics involved of Syrian men migrating to the west, maybe you should be concerned that women and children are being left behind in a war torn country.
The women and children didn't create the situation yet the men get to leave.
You explanation seemed asinine considering what ones left behind have to endure, and I simply objected to it.
As usual, you do not take kindly to being challenged on anything.
I don't mind being challenged. But, as you say, let's be open about this...
As an atheist (and I even have become quite an antitheist because of what's happening in the world) I don't care much for Christianity or Islam or any other religion for that matter. But (as weird as it may sound) I do respect and will defend anyone's right to have and express his or her religion. But if people are pushing their personal beliefsystem onto a society, I have a right to point things out I consider flawed or harmfull for the benefit of this society. I do not defend Islam as you claim in a previous comment. I defend muslim refugees and their right to have a better existance.
You say that you believe I derive pleasure from seeing Christianity at odds with Islam. I think this statement might say more about your view on the world than mine. Because I do see a multicultural and multireligious society where you talk about "Christians". I do see muslim refugees on the run from ISIS and war, where you talk about "all muslims" and terrorism in the same breath.
No, you did not object at all in the way you are describing in this post. I do not see the correlation between your concern for women and children and interpreting my explanation as a reason for Saoudi Arabia not to take refugees. Or for it being an excuse to let refugees into Europe.
What I do see is the typical BC baiting someone trying to piss someone off or trying to own someone. But not debating. And frankly I do miss the BC that was able to have a debate because this one sucks, or as an extention of that a board were people could have a debate and decent exchange of opinions without all the personal name calling or other shit. Whenever I post something I get this crap... and some people wonder why I hardly post anymore.
How's that for being open for ya