ok if he was convicted why is there now another trial?
not aimed at you friday butttttt,
I'm big on innocent until proven guilty, the right to trial.
so during the war he was a prisoner in a pow camp the netherlands, where he according to them, admitted killings. the killings of 3 of their people.
he was convicted and sentenced to death.
was there a trial? we dont know
what were the circumstances of the killings which happened during the war? were these people working against the germans? we dont know.
admitting something or being said to admit something while in a pow camp? could it be possible a confession was cohersed or biased based on emotions of the time ? we dont know.
so now he's on trial and we know nothing other than "he was proud when he was chosen for the ss", at 18 years of age.
So its automatically "kill him, he's a nazi"
doesnt that put us in the same mindset of what the germans have been said to have done to the jews?
"kill him he's a jew'?
let the guy have a fair trial and if he killed innocent civillians guilty, if he was following orders or killed people working against the germans during a time of war, not guilty.
emotion or hatred or the fact that he was a german soldier has nothing to do with it.
A little off topic but alot of the same people, most who werent there or know very little about 1930's or 40's germany's real history will defend terrorists rights to trial until their tongues bleed, but when they hear the word nazi they automatically scream "kill him"
whats up with that?
And wheres the anger and pursuit of japanese soldiers who did much sicker shit than the germans on a much larger scale?
hell they used to flay people alive, burn groups alive, mostly women, mutilate babies,kill little girls after they cum while raping them, and all kinds of other sick shit, just for fun. and many of the soldiers till this day when speaking about it laugh like it was fuckin funny.......the anger is only towards the nazis, ask yourselves why that is.
double standard? hell yes, but why?
I'm not defend the nazi party, just the right to trial without predjudice and exposing double standards and selective enragement.