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Summoning Harley Spencer (bamf!)


Lord Dipstick
This thread, at this point, has produced 214 replies and 2629 views, in 9 days. The thread was created as a simple question directed at Harley Spencer regarding massage.

I'd just like to thank the people who boosted some nice response numbers here, and proved that Harley Spencer is one of the girls members of this forum are most interested in.

The shut-in loser guys who started stumbling around trying to act tough helped the numbers a small extent, but obviously none of the girls have any interest in talking to them, and they just hurt the forum. Had they stayed quiet, these numbers probably could have been better.

The guys with constructive input, good job, I appreciate your cause and hope you continue to post. Salute.

Why don't you go jump off the new World Trade Center? :dunno:
Oh shit, the bitch is back!

First, thank you everyone who messaged and emailed me about this, supporting me, and for all your kind words. It is sincerely appreciated.

This thread started off with Honda posing a simple question out of sheer curiosity. There is no harm in that. How anyone sees him starting this thread as being a troll is beyond me.

I pride myself in being real. I hate lying. (“You’re not honest with your boyfriend. You can lie to him but be honest with strangers on the internet?” – Don’t waste your breath, I’m way ahead of you.) So I answered his question honestly. I could have lied and said that only one man has ever gotten me off, or I could have said that the second guy was my boyfriend. But I didn’t want to lie, so I opened up and spoke the truth. Wrong idea!

Everyone was relatively pleasant until the 3rd page, aside from the sarcasm and silly remarks against Honda. Even after I mentioned being unfaithful to my boyfriend.

Maleonetwo: “Pwease tell me!!!! I hate to be so curious and not being told the secret!!!”

Dirk: “It was me.”

Pirate: “You haven’t told him that, I hope. I couldn’t live with that. I’d have to go to classes. See a zen master. Whatever. A man’s pride relies on giving an orgasm.”

Everything was pleasant until STD came around and said, “An affair eh? You’re sweet. Why not break up with him like an adult instead of being a bitch?”

My next post was for STD to go fuck himself. Did I call him a name in that post? No. Essentially, I was saying, “If you have nothing positive to contribute, even if it’s disagreeing with me in a positive manner, want to resort to negativity and name calling, kindly leave me alone.” Perhaps I should have said that, but what difference would it have made? Everyone knows that STD would still come back with another snide remark.

Then reading Kappy’s post was the icing on the cake. “I gotta agree, stop leading him on and let him go that’s a dirty thing to do.” To which I replied that I know it’s a shitty thing to do. I did not call anyone any names in either of my quoted posts there.

A quote from STD’s next post: “… we know you cheat on your boyfriend and that’s a fucking shitty thing to do. (I already said it’s a shitty thing to do, tell me something I don’t know)… Don’t drag him through your selfish bullshit.”

So far I’ve been called a bitch and selfish. So far, I haven’t called anyone a name.

In my next post, as my patience is being tried, I NOW resort to calling STD a dick and telling him once more to go fuck himself.

Some more insults (regardless if it’s “sarcasm”, you know it’s hardly sarcasm) from STD:

“You get more awesome with each post!” – Aka “You sound like more and more of a stupid bitch with each post.”

“I remember being 21 and not giving a shit about anybody else. I hope your new guy breaks your heart. You got it comin.” – So now I’m a 21 year old girl who doesn’t care about anyone else in the world. Ok…

Deepcover then comes in to make an attempt to lighten the mood, commenting that it’s no one’s business. Thank you, Deepcover, I appreciate your efforts. And that’s genuine appreciation, not sarcasm.

I reply that I don’t kiss and makeup with assholes. STD replies that he doesn’t makeup with selfish cheating cunts.

STD comes in again, without me having made another post after his last post (so this is 2 consecutive STD posts), essentially saying that I’m a cry baby, I want people to kiss my ass, I’ve had an easy life, and I think people should respect me because I have a pink name. STD is whining about the posts I’ve made to defend myself against him. He can say all he wants to insult me, but God forbid I retaliate!

I can guarantee you that if any other girl were in my shoes, any other OCSM or girl in real life, were called a bitch, a cunt, a scumbag, a loser (all of which I’ve been called in this thread), and was insulted in the manner I was insulted, she would certainly defend herself. There is nothing wrong with me standing up for myself. There is definitely something wrong with a grown man resorting to name calling and insults simply because he disagrees with a woman’s actions. It’s completely unnecessary.

In post #66 at 4:12 pm on September 25, of this thread, STD said, “I quit reading when you started your whole woe is me shit. Whatever it is you’ve been through, it doesn’t justify your actions. You suck. I told you to be an adult and dump your bf. Why wouldn’t you? Quit using your past as an excuse to be a cunt now.”

In post #53 at 10:04 am, STD made his first post that ended with “instead of being a bitch?” It had been 6 hours since he told me to break up with my boyfriend. 6 HOURS. Think about that for a second…

Time’s up, second is over. Ok: Break up with my boyfriend within 6 hours of being told to do so by a complete stranger online who called me a bitch and to act like an adult? While my boyfriend is in class? Right. That makes sense.

It seems that I’m not the only one who needs to “act like an adult.”

So STD, since you’re keeping tabs (please refer to post #204):

Here’s the insults that have been thrown at me in this thread, mostly from you, some from others:

“…like an adult instead of being a bitch?”

“…that's a dirty thing to do”

“Waaah. Poor me... we know you cheat on your boyfriend and that's fucking shitty. Dump him. Break his heart. He'll get over it. Don't drag him through your selfish bullshit so he ends up going James Holmes on your ass. What the fuck is wrong with people?”

“… You get more awesome with each post!”

“… crazy pills… being 21 and not giving a shit about anybody else. I hope your new guy breaks your heart. You got it comin.”

“… selfish cheating cunts.”

“… not kissing your ass like everybody else around here does? Ohh poor baby. I'm sure you had good reason to go behind your man's back. Aww poor Harley. She's got it so tough. I forgot you have a pink name. My bad!!!!”

“… your whole woe is me shit. Whatever it is you've been though, it doesn't justify your actions. You suck… be an adult and dump your bf. Why wouldn't you? Quit using your past as an excuse to be a cunt now.”

“… Some people's kids...”

“… Sorry, you don't deserve constructive criticism. Why do you think you deserve better? You're being a scumbag, and I'm treating you like one. For the record, if I cheated, I would expect to be treated exactly as I am.treating you. It's wrong, and you're a loser for doing it.”

“… Sticking up for Harley isn't going to get you in her pants. She's seeing someo...oh wait. Maybe it will!”

“… It's so lame you have an affair.”

“… POOR YOU… boohoo you've been cheated on…”

“…start dating your fuck buddy till you fuck him over too. Your on here ranting… your a big attention monger that likes to here herself talk, just realize nobody is on your side in this argument”

“…Harley is a bitch, selfish asshole… dodges that shit like she dodges her real life problems.”

“… act like a child… If her name wasn't pink, the entire board would be thrashing Harley right now. Shed be called a lot worse than anything I've said.”

“…You'll leave the board but not your bf. Obv.” – This is not necessarily an insult, I just thought I’d toss this in here to show you how much of an adult you’re being. Obvi!

“… A few days from now this thread will be buried and it won't come up again until Smallville bumps it 4 years from now.” – It’s been exactly a few days. The thread isn’t buried.

“… She's a fucking joke playing the victim card looking for sympathy. Oh my boyfriend can't make me cum. I'm cheating on him. Poor me… she tried guilt tripping everybody… Good riddance.”

“… I won't make a joke out of you, cause...you already make one out of yourself by acting the way you do.”

“…see a shrink.”

“… You're joking right? She is definitely not. Not in the least and definitely not in general.” (At first I thought this was supposed to be referring to me, but in actuality, it was referring to Aaliyah in regards to hopsin saying she’s hot)

“…A girl who's sold herself in the past like Harley seems unlikely to me (albeit this may be because my mind is tiny) to be likely to attract a guy who will be faitful… 5: If your girl sells herself to other men on cam nightly, would you be faithful? … banishing one OCSM per thread is enough…” – First, yes, this post was offensive. Second, do you know what selling my body means? Third, I don’t do webcam. And Lastly, I wasn’t banished. I still exist. I just left. Now I’m back. (“Yeah, we knew you’d be back bitch.” – Don’t bother, again, I’m way ahead of you.)

“…We all know better when it comes to handling message boards. Well most of us do.”

“… free pass to be a scumbag… If Harley didn't coward out…”

And here are the insults and names I have thrown:

“Um, how bout you go fuck yourself?”

“Dick… Clearly you can not comprehend human emotions. I'll tell you once more, go fucking fuck yourself.”

“I don't kiss and makeup with assholes.”

“…You're an asshole… you're not even being an adult… So go ahead you fucking asshole, tell me that I don't care about anyone else in the world!”

“… that makes you an asshole.”

“… He's being a straight up jackass… I'm pissed off at Diva for being a dick about it.”

“… You are an asshole... You guys suck.”

Now let’s take a look at post #204.

“Lol. Sooo who was name calling again? How unreasonable was I? Where's all the people saying Harley was out of line? Besides saying she was acting like a bitch for cheating, I was only guilty of sarcasm until the final post, which by that point Harley insulted me in every post in that convo. Keep pretending we should treat ocsms differently though. Because they deserve it, right?”

Who was name calling? Initially, you were. You failed to point out all the other posts you made in this thread. I’m not afraid to point out every single post I’ve made where I insulted someone or called someone a name. Who’s the coward here? And only guilty of sarcasm? Yeah, ok. Even if some of your posts were sarcastic, you know that you meant every word of everything you said. Sarcasm or not, your posts have been straight up offensive and hypocritical. My posts were nothing but self defense.

Pretending we should treat OCSMs differently? It’s in the board rules, so there is no pretending, although evidently the board rules have absolutely no meaning here, and neither do basic human rights, manners, respect, reading abilities, or consideration. In any case, as I said many pages back, I never said anything about wanting anyone to kiss my ass because I’m an OCSM. Not a word. I care more about how I am treated as a person than being treated like some goddess that must be bowed down to without any prior reason to be bowed down to. So no, I don’t need anyone to kiss my ass because I’m an OCSM. You can kiss my ass because I’m right.

You’ve seen nothing but people backing you up in this thread? Ha! Hahaha! Ok, let’s take a look…

- Kappy backs you up. No ifs, ands or buts there.
- Deepcover backed me up while mentioning that this is none of your business.
- VV remained pretty pleasant throughout this entire thread. He may have made a few remarks that disagreed with me, but never did he say that you were right.
- Andronicus agreed with you, but he was reasonable with me.
- Honda, of course, backed me up from the beginning, stood his ground for himself, and continues to back me up to this day.
- Maley agrees with you, but he still thinks I’m hot, so all is well.
- CK messaged me asking me to not leave the board and is supportive of me.
- Briana is neutral.
- Brodkill didn’t side with anyone.
- 24 Grams is very supportive of me.
- Death-Proof-69 is very supportive of me.
- Alexpnz backs you up.
- TrueBeliever666 is very supportive of me.
- Rey C. is very supportive of me.
- Dirk messaged me saying he doesn’t want me to leave.
- Shifty is supportive of me, also agreeing that my personal life is none of your business.
- Mayhem appears to be supportive of me.
- BigCockTony is uh… well, I’m gonna go ahead and say that he’s sided with you.
- GodsEmbryo is supportive of me.
- Aaliyah is supportive of me.
- PirateKing agrees that it’s none of his or anyone else’s business.
- Spexy is pretty awesome.
- TheSpokenWheel… eh, I’m not really sure.
- DarkWarrior- also not sure.
- Ravenholm hates me.
- Papagmp loves cheaters.
- John seems to like me.
- Eric is very supportive of me.
- Wigster is… I’m not sure.
- Rhyno is supportive of me.

So let’s see… That’s 20 people, out of 30, that clearly support the idea that my personal life is none of your business, it does not affect you, and are supportive of me no matter what I do in my personal life. It looks like only 4 of the people listed that have posted in this thread clearly agree with you that I am a selfish cheating cunt. And the others appear not to have any major stances on the matter. So… what was that again? You see nothing but people backing you up? Hahahahaha! Oh, that’s funny! That’s really funny. Hahahaha…

Disclaimer: This isn’t about taking sides. This isn’t about winning something. This is about what’s right. Not who is right, but what is right. Because like I said, cheating is wrong. Like you said, cheating is wrong. Aren’t we all right? WHAT is right is how people treat other, whether online or in real life.

Now, I think we can all agree that I never should have brought up this piece of information about my personal life in the first place. But whether or not I brought it up, that does not justify all the insults, taunting, names, and overall negativity toward me. It is completely unnecessary. As others have said, me cheating on my boyfriend has no effect on you in any way, shape or form.

Feel free to say that cheating is wrong, I know it is. I’ve said that myself. Oh wait, I forgot, you stopped reading my posts after all my woe is me bullshit.

Oh, and as for your question about why I’m still with him- I’ve already answered that. But you didn’t read. Adults usually know how to read, don’t they? Hmm. Interesting... Read it this time, as you so desperately need the answer: I am with him because I love him (“Bullshit you love him, if you loved him you wouldn’t be cheating on him!”- Save it. I’m way ahead of you.), because he’s a great guy, because we get along, because we don’t fight, because outside of the bedroom, we have very few problems in our relationship. So why am I cheating on him? Because he doesn’t give me orgasms? That’s only a very small fraction of the reason. Why haven’t I left him? Why am I dragging him through this? Because it’s difficult and there are a lot of factors to consider. But hey, wait, this is my life, I shouldn’t be sharing such personal information on the internet!

“I’m not going to judge you for it, but all I can offer is that you owe it to the person that you love to be honest.” – That is a statement a mature adult would make about a situation like this. But instead, I get “… instead of being a bitch?”

This isn’t just the internet. This situation that I am in is real. It is extremely emotional. So don’t sit there and say, “Don’t take what people say online so seriously.” It is a serious matter, and so to me, it’s serious. I don’t know any of you outside the forum, but that does not change the way I feel or what’s going on. This is already stressful enough for me without having someone online call me a cunt and insult the hell out of me.

If you can not, will not, do not agree with me, do not support me, fine. But try to be an adult about it. Unlike me.

Sorry for the insanely long post. It's only fair that I have my say in the matter.

Gosh darn i really hate that brodkill kuy


Lord Dipstick
Sorry to pontificate. Where did you learn that word? I didn't think people who didn't read HAD a vocabulary.

I think the correct verbiage should be...

"I didn't think people who COULDN'T read, had a vocabulary?"

Another FreeOnes-Porn Board literary genius...


Lord Dipstick
Glad to see you come back to defend yourself Harley. It's hard to argue with facts.

Excuse me, I have to go and Kiss someone's ass.

No, wait, I'm NOT going to Kiss someone's ass, I'm going to be a real man and find a bitch to kick!


Lord Dipstick
Oh he knows that you know how to read. But you stated that you chose not to read. So no, the correct word is indeed "didn't."
No, you are wrong.

I don't read rambling bullshit, just Britney Spears lyrics.

I thought you were "leaving"?


Lord Dipstick
Careless bunnies get eaten by wolves.
Careless readers, don't read and elect morons.

. . . . and say they were being "honest."

Short and sweet.

Thank You.

This is progress.

Stop wasting bandwith.


Lord Dipstick