Hes too young imo...it seems like this is just a "quickfix" for Strasburg, and while it more than likely will be beneficial to me it seems kinda crazy to do. Ill try and explain.
If your strasburg, you know that an entire franchise is expecting you to be GREAT. Not just good, but fucking great. You are getting paid millions and are young. So when your arm starts to hurt a little, and you realize you arent able to perform like the big boys, well lets just pay a doctor to confirm you have a small tear, and get you the BRAND NEW IRON arm. That aint right.
IMO, hes just too young and inexperienced to know if this surgery is really necessary. Again the best way to put it is that this is a cheap, fast fix for strasburg and I dont like that. Now this is all speculation, he might really need it. But the circumstances, along with how sudden this "injury" came on is really kind suspicious...
Its not steroids anymore, its surgically enhanced arms...so when a power pitcher like this comes along, you know his time expectancy is already going to be shorter. To make sure this kid saves his power style for his career this is the easy way to fix it.