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State of the Union address.


Hiliary 2020
I scanned through it. I don't have to listen to every word to get it.
I've heard the guy a thousand times......should I expect something different this time?
It's interesting to note, that when GWB was the president, if the cost of gasoline climbed so much as 25 Cents, the liberal press went ape-shit. Writing stories about how the Bush's and the Cheney's were getting richer and richer.

Now, let's get back to reality....

Regular gasoline per gallon cost $1.68 in January 2009 when Bush left office. Today, with Omama as president, it’s $3.39 per gallon. That’s a 102 percent increase in just three years.

Where's the liberal press??? Where's the protestors? Where's the outrage?

I don't have 1:11 minutes to waste.
It's all the same shit with guy every time: Bullshit.
Smart move! And, great response on your part. :) If you had better things to do than sit through Barry Soetoro’s State of the Union last night, you didn’t miss much. It was a rerun anyway:

Likewise a second Obama term would be a rerun: more fiscal incontinence, more debt, more corrupt boondoggles, more senseless and suffocating regulations, more lunatic judicial appointments, more betrayal of allies, more pandering to enemies, more deliberately causing energy prices to skyrocket, et cetera ad nauseam.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Sam? meesterClownShoes??



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Smart move! And, great response on your part. :) If you had better things to do than sit through Barry Soetoro’s State of the Union last night, you didn’t miss much. It was a rerun anyway:

Likewise a second Obama term would be a rerun: more fiscal incontinence, more debt, more corrupt boondoggles, more senseless and suffocating regulations, more lunatic judicial appointments, more betrayal of allies, more pandering to enemies, more deliberately causing energy prices to skyrocket, et cetera ad nauseam.

Two words regarding why the ongoing redundancy in Obama's statements: republican obstructionism. The efforts of the republican-controlled House led by John Boehner and Eric Cantor have been totally fixated on one singular goal....to stop everything that Obama wants no matter what without offering any plausible alternatives. They want to simply make America as much of a failure as they can for the remainder of his term to maximize their chances of regaining the White House in 2012. It is a strategy that, I predict, will backfire badly on them next November.

Up until a few weeks ago, I was desperately seeking a legitimate republican alternative to Obama (seriously folks, I am a swing voter who pulled the trigger for Bob Dole back in 1996 because I felt that Clinton had betrayed our trust so I represent a perfect opportunity for the GOP to get one more vote). Now, I realize that, in classic self-destructive fashion, they are going to nominate a candidate who is totally unacceptable to a guy like me. It's going to become increasingly obvious in the upcoming months that Obama will be reelected....probably by a significant margin. The do-nothing republicans have no answers to anything....all they want to do is bitch about Obama and undermine everything that he represents. Mitch McConnell has stated publicly that defeating President Obama is the main goal of the current republican agenda. They want more people to be unemployed, more people to lose their homes to foreclosure, more American businesses to go under, higher gas prices at the pump, higher prices at the grocery store....all and anything that will add to the misery index of average Americans for one reason and one reason only....to regain power in the executive branch. I'm sick of their narrow-minded disdain for the sacred oath to which they swore when they took office. They doggedly work to protect the interests of those whose only wish is to benefit personally from a financial perspective on the misery of the American citizen....all the while pandering to the fear and ignorance of those very same citizens in order to attain their goal. Their agenda is deplorable, dishonorable and disgraceful....and un-American in the extreme.

I hope that Obama completely abandons his "reach across the aisle" philosophy in his second term and simply ramrods as much of his agenda as he can. We have to get out of neutral and get this country moving again and, like him or not, Obama represents the only true hope to affect this type of metamorphosis over the next 5 years.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I guess those of you who are against what Obama outlined in the SOTU address are part of the 9% who disapprove, huh? :dunno: Just more evidence that the right wingnuts are way out of step with the rest of America.

President Barack Obama may not have many fans in the Republican party these days, but he is sitting pretty with the American public -- at least as far as his State of the Union speech from last night is concerned. A CBS News poll following the president's address showed 91 percent of Americans approved of Obama's proposals

Ha-ha... I always find myself chuckling when a Democrat/Liberal falls back on the tired rhetoric of "the republicans did all they could to oppose the President and to shut him down." Uhm... as if that NEVER happened to Bush when he was in office? And the president before him, and the one before him, etc., etc. Besides, the Rebublicans are SUPPOSED to object to Obama's agendas. Who do you think those very men and women in the House and Senate are representing? Constituents back in their districts, that's who. And, when they fail to represent them, the people vote them out.

I for one NEVER wanted Obama to succeed. Why? Because his views and beliefs about what he wants for the country are polar opposite of mine.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Ha-ha... I always find myself chuckling when a Democrat/Liberal falls back on the tired rhetoric of "the republicans did all they could to oppose the President and to shut him down." Uhm... as if that NEVER happened to Bush when he was in office? And the president before him, and the one before him, etc., etc. Besides, the Rebublicans are SUPPOSED to object to Obama's agendas. Who do you think those very men and women in the House and Senate are representing? Constituents back in their districts, that's who. And, when they fail to represent them, the people vote them out.

Sure, the loyal opposition has a covenant to present their case in behalf of the constituents who elected them. That's politics. However, to openly declare that the main objective is to ensure the defeat of the sitting president has never been presented by anyone, democrat or republican to the best of my recollection, in the history of this nation. That's what McConnell said and, as such, he's a traitor to common cause and so is anyone who agrees with it as far as I am concerned.

I for one NEVER wanted Obama to succeed. Why? Because his views and beliefs about what he wants for the country are polar opposite of mine.

Fine. Then you have never concurrently wanted America to succeed either. Whether or not one's beliefs are congruent with the President's should have nothing to do with hoping that the nation prospers under his leadership. If you really hope for Obama to fail, Sam, you therefore hope for American to fail. At that point, your political beliefs become more important than your civic responsibility as an American citizen and, if that is the case, you become a traitor to the common cause in my estimation. To put party above country is abominable but this is exactly what you and others of your kind are doing from my perspective.
Ha-ha... I always find myself chuckling when a Democrat/Liberal falls back on the tired rhetoric of "the republicans did all they could to oppose the President and to shut him down." Uhm... as if that NEVER happened to Bush when he was in office? And the president before him, and the one before him, etc., etc. Besides, the Rebublicans are SUPPOSED to object to Obama's agendas. Who do you think those very men and women in the House and Senate are representing? Constituents back in their districts, that's who. And, when they fail to represent them, the people vote them out.

I for one NEVER wanted Obama to succeed. Why? Because his views and beliefs about what he wants for the country are polar opposite of mine.

Yeah, all presidents have had to deal with the opposition in congress at some point. The current Republicans have been basically shutting down Congress, which is not for the good of the people and not why they were elected.

Now, my point of view is that it takes two to tango and Obama has helped create the climate we have now. I would give the better part of the blame to the Republicans in the House.

Funny thing is, it seems like this Congress is trying to out do Newt's Congress during the Clinton impeachment deal. I thought Newt should have gone to jail for that for wasting taxpayers time and money over petty politics.

There were a few points during the state of the union stump where was just screaming "bullshit, I'm not stupid!". I guess that is politics though.
Actually Jagger, if I were hoping for Obama to succeed, I would be a democrat, and wanting to have more government involved in my life. But, I don't want him to succeed. I feel he is taking the country in the wrong direction. Hence, I hope his agendas fail. That doesn't make me a traitor. On the contrary.. it makes me a patriot. Why? Because I believe in the Constitution. Obama does not. It's as simple as that.

When I joined The United States Navy, I took an oath to uphold the constitution. To defend the country against foreign and domestic enemies. It is my belief that Obama, Hillary, Holder, all his czars, and his staff are all wanting drastically to put our country in dire straits. They would just as soon see the United Nations run our country, rather than ourselves.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I have no idea where a person would get the idea that the Founding Fathers intended for political parties to exist solely for the purpose of obstructing or opposing a President, who happens to be a member of some other party (Rush Limbaugh, or some other partisan genius, I'm guessing). In fact, George Washington warned of the dangers inherent in political party affiliation. Whether it be the Democrat party of the Republican party, or some other party, if the only purpose of a party is to gain power for its own members, with no consideration for the nation on whole, then the interests of the Republic and its citizens are not being served. And I think most of us would agree that, at this point in time, the interests of the Republic and its citizens are not being served. IMO, Mitch McConnell's words are rather damning... and go very much against what was intended by the Founding Fathers of this nation.

George Washington (Farewell Address, 1796):

Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.

This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

"Washington's Farewell Address was a direct response to the fractioning of the American people. From a clearly Federalist point of view he extolled the virtues of neutrality. He pleaded for American political neutrality, that citizens not be forced to choose between political alternatives, but rather choose their leaders on the basis of merit and reputation. He further pleaded for international neutrality, exhorting Americans to avoid "political connection" with Europe, hoping such avoidance would remove the divisiveness of foreign policy from the American political dialogue and allow US leaders to concentrate on domestic goals. While he could not stop the rise of political parties, which had already become a fact of American political life, his plea for neutrality and vision of an isolated America would inform American foreign relations into the twentieth century. "

Building the State (1781-1797): Division into Parties and George Washington's Farewell Address


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Ha-ha... I always find myself chuckling when a Democrat/Liberal falls back on the tired rhetoric of "the republicans did all they could to oppose the President and to shut him down." Uhm... as if that NEVER happened to Bush when he was in office? And the president before him, and the one before him, etc., etc. Besides, the Rebublicans are SUPPOSED to object to Obama's agendas. Who do you think those very men and women in the House and Senate are representing? Constituents back in their districts, that's who. And, when they fail to represent them, the people vote them out.

I for one NEVER wanted Obama to succeed. Why? Because his views and beliefs about what he wants for the country are polar opposite of mine.

You're right, Sam, Bush was treated unfairly. Tell me, how does perpetrating that unfairness serve the country?

Here's another thought for you, where are you getting "Obama's beliefs"? Are they coming from him or from what right-wing screamers are saying about him? If you're basing your opinion of Obama off the rhetoric of other people then you're not really interested in what he actually believes. So, I'll ask, what's your beef with Obama's beliefs and politics? Is your beef what he actually believes or what you've been told he believes?


The question of who will be in the White House next has been answered. Newt Gingrich announces, at a Florida Holiday Inn, that he promises to build a Moon Base:


Although, honestly, this tactic worked for GWB. . . So I'm still concerned. . . kinda.

It clearly would take longer than 8 years to build a functioning moon base. I'm not sure if most Republican voters realize that. Maybe he's planning on outsourcing the project to China?