Spanish-speakers in the USA


What are your opinions on immigrants that don't know English and live in the USA? Do you think they should be allowed to stay if they don't know English? A lot of people argue that some families are too busy with work to learn English. Should this be an acceptable excuse?


Personally, I think if you are going to live in another country you should either learn to speak it before you get there, or learn while you are there. It's the same with foreigners in England. If they are learning the language, that's fine with me. But the ones who don't even attempt it and just use their own tongue? Kick 'em the fuck out.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What are your opinions on immigrants that don't know English and live in the USA? Do you think they should be allowed to stay if they don't know English? A lot of people argue that some families are too busy with work to learn English. Should this be an acceptable excuse?

You have to be able to "speak English" in order to become a citizen in the US. Most people just learn an extremely small amount of English just to pass the test, and then say "fuck it" (obviously in Spanish).

A big part of my family works for the INS, so I won't say anymore, as my opinions on the matter probably won't go over too well.


Personally, I think if you are going to live in another country you should either learn to speak it before you get there, or learn while you are there. It's the same with foreigners in England. If they are learning the language, that's fine with me. But the ones who don't even attempt it and just use their own tongue? Kick 'em the fuck out.

True, I try to argue this a lot but people always yell at me and say that hard working Mexicans come here and don't have time to learn English. They work hard for their kids to grow up American and have a better life.

This story gets annoying and repetitive. Life is a bitch, it's not our problem and certainly not our responsibility to hold these illegal immigrants here.

Will E Worm

What are your opinions on immigrants that don't know English and live in the USA?

Learn to speak the language of the country you hopped over the fence to get into.

At least if they work in a fast food restaurant they need to know the word sammich.

Git R Done! :D
It's to immigrants advantage to learn english (economic opportunity's, etc) and they know it or find it out real fast.I can't tell ya how many familys I knew growing up (mainly Italians) where they had older relatives who spoke zero english but the next generations all did and were assimilated.There has always been enclaves of new immigrants who maybe spoke little english so all this is nothing new and the xenophobia against immigrants is also nothing new.A hundred years ago it was "no Irish need apply" and they were going to ruin america or it was the Italians ,etc etc.
And yep this is a country of immigrants so unless your a total native american you probably once had immigrant relatives that were thought of in the same way.Thats not to say we can't have a discussion about immigration but don't make it these people are different then the groups that came before them and demonize them as significantly different in how quickly they assimilate then previous immigrants, cause their not.That is actually one of the lessons that the republicans have learned in this past election.They demonized hispanics who are a growing voting block and that was one of the factors in why they lost and have been losing elections recently.They have to broaden their appeal and back away from some of the rhetoric they had been using to try to rally their base but alienated others like hispanics or they will be PERMANENTLY a minority party and out of power.
I agree with almost everything you wrote, Friday; but would add one fairly obvious thing: If a preponderance of them are here illegally then in that one respect they are different from all the previous waves of immigrants, and that is a major problem.
What are your opinions on immigrants that don't know English and live in the USA? Do you think they should be allowed to stay if they don't know English? A lot of people argue that some families are too busy with work to learn English. Should this be an acceptable excuse?

Immigrants that live here in the US should at the very least learn basic conversational English. By the same token, it also applies for people that speak Ebonics, HonkeyTonk or whatever. . . they all should learn the English language!

Learning the language of the country you are migrating to is essential in my opinion. It's true for all countries.

Do we need small alienated immigrants sectors in cities worldwide? No. It's not good for them neither for us.
If they are legal citizens and only want to learn just enough English to pass the test? Fine.
Past that, I don't much care. It's their life.
I would say I don't really care what language they speak (because, for the most part, I don't), except that so many government services cost twice what they should because they have to be provided bilingually. Election documents, social services staff, public school faculty, public service training, etc... it all adds up, and burns millions in tax dollars. I'm not saying we should eliminate bilingual services altogether, but having an official language and an associated higher standard for English fluency upon immigration would certain help reduce some of these superfluous expenses.
personally, if they know how to make a simple conversation i think it's okay, not everybody can learn a language as quickly as someone else can. even in our country many can't even speak a bit of dutch, let stand flemish ... it's not as easy for some, but i think if you want to work over here, even if it is for the crappiest job you can ever find, if there is a chance that you have to talk to a resident, make sure to talk to him in the language of that country.

Most of the reason, why people are scared to talk in another language, has to do with the fact that they don't want to be laughed at or with. Listen gently to them and try to correct them in a normal way ...
True, I try to argue this a lot but people always yell at me and say that hard working Mexicans come here and don't have time to learn English. They work hard for their kids to grow up American and have a better life.

That's a bunch of fucking bullshit. Did my great grandmother try to pull that :bs: excuse when she came to this country from Denmark, working her ass off to survive and become a citizen? When raising her 12 or so children? No. No, she did not. And my other great grandparents who came from Germany? No.

Why are certain groups nowadays allowed to use that excuse?
So just to make this perfectly clear, some of you think that we should deport American citizens if they don't speak English?

Call me crazy, but I think that Americans have the right to freedom of speech. Ever heard of that one?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Personally, I don't give a crap what language people speak in America but Government documents and Government sponsored programs/signs should be in English, not 5 different languages to try to please everyone.

You already need to know English to become a citizen, so it's only common sense that the ONLY language the welfare documents or greencard documents should be in is English as well. You sure as hell don't go to other countries expecting official papers to be in your own language...of course they're going to be in the language of the country you're immigrating to.
They should be deported back to where they came form, no matter where that is. If you cant speak english, you cant be a functioning citizen of the usa.


I personally feel you should know the national langauge of the country you live in.

The only problem with that is the U.S. doesn't have a national language. We do mostly speak English, but that doesn't mean everyone should know it. Most of the world is taught english as a second langauge anyways.

This is going to make me sound like a jerk, but it's worth it. I believe we should deport the criminals and keep the good hard workers. If there willing to work for the pay then we should take advantage of this. We go to school for many years. We should use that to our advantage and hire hardworking legal immigrants. They are willing to work very hard for the normal pay most of us think is low.

Instead of bitching use them to your advantage.


Closed Account
What are your opinions on immigrants that don't know English and live in the USA? Do you think they should be allowed to stay if they don't know English? A lot of people argue that some families are too busy with work to learn English. Should this be an acceptable excuse?

If they're definitely working then .. oh well.

What about the myriads of people that are neither working nor learning the lingo. That's the state of play here in the UK!
When my great grandparents came here legally not only could they speak English fluently but they could speak 6-8 other languages fluently as well. Not only did they not take up jobs here that non immigrants would of had, but they started their own business and hired people. They kept some of their cultural customs but as soon as they became a citizen they considered themselves fully and completely American and cut all loyalty to their former country. Waiving any other country's flag around in the street would have been unthinkable to them. They also came her in the very late 19th century when this country had more space, more work, and no virtually no social programs that drained money because they didn’t’ exist let alone they had to support illegals as well. Comparing people that immigrated from that era to illegals that drain our society now is like comparing apples to oranges and is highly unfair to them. Even most other people that came here from back then and weren't like my great grandparents then didn't think the US owed them something just because they found some way of coming ashore or crossing a border.


Postal Paranoiac
The way things are going globally, not just in America, it would be a good idea to be fluent in several languages. I can speak pretty good Spanish, a little Portuguese and basically fluent French. Although I admit I'm slipping a bit, as I rarely have to use languages other than English.