Spanish National Anthem

We agree but I've never seen any evidence of anybody trying to stop people from speaking their native language or any attempted eradication of either.
So how many different ethnicities are there in the U.S.?
Hundreds? To expect the education system to be able to teach them all in a hundred different languages is just not realistic, both financially and physically.
I just don't see the big deal. U.S.A. is an english speaking country so if you want to immigrate here learn at least enough of the language to function and maybe even be successful.
Hell I'm in Colombia and I don't expect anyone to go out of their way to understand english. Its my responsability to learn thier language, for my own sake.
Why is the U.S. held to a different standard?

I'm not saying having a different standard. I think I worded my last post wrong. What I've seen that works and I haven't heard anybody bitch about is the way some ethnic groups, say, the Japanese, do it. They send their kids to regular school during the day, and then, after school, they send them to a private Japanese school where the kids learn the language and culture of their country of origin. I didn't mean that the US should change its current system of education (for that particular reason, because I think it should be completely reformed for many other reasons) to cater to all the different ethnic groups in the US.
USA as a country does not have an official language, but about 30 states have a language law specifying English as the official language; official language for everything related to public administration.

I consider these laws mainly as a way to be sure to cut spendings on something not useful to the majority (I mean : to them).

The link to the anthem is broken. I have not heard it. Do you have other links ?