South Carolina plans license plate for Christians

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What sect of Christianity does this undertaking represent ? All of them or just the wacko garden variety evangelicals ? (too lazy and unmotivated to read the article :o)

I actually have plenty of other more important items of which to allow myself to get exercised over with respect govt.

I will say this - I'd much rather live amongst an ambiance of freedom, choice and religious or areligious tolerance. I wouldn't advocate the attacking of any one religion unless that ideology had repeatedly dispatched dangerous agents among the masses for the purpose of disruption, mass murder, a catalyst for revolution etc.
If I wish to someday join the ranks of Atheism, Christianity, Wican or whatever . . . Don't call me . . . I'll call you.
√ Why would anybody want to overtly display a personal part of their profile via a religious lic. plate ! ? WHY ?!!! Like I should care ?

It appears as if sep of church & state don't apply in SC ? :confused:
What sect of Christianity does this undertaking represent ?

They should allow a picture of the Virgin Mary and the rosary. She is the cocreator after all. It would greatly offend the protestants. :thefinger

Dixie Dash

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
So if Christians can have a license plate that says that, I guess people can get ones for Satan, Allah, Buddha, and even Hitler. What is to say that this could not happen then? Maybe the polygamists can have one too. The fact is, if you are going to allow one religion to have a plate, then your going to have to let all of them. Aren't the long ass I love god bumper stickers enough? Or the fishes? I saw a woman in front of me at the atm at the bank who had "IL(heart stickers)vgod" on her plate. A lot of people are and are going to be pissed or wanting a plate of their religion. This is just another reason why there is separation of church and state which clearly South Carolina ignored.
Hitler Says Visit The Great Lake State!



. This is just another reason why there is separation of church and state which clearly South Carolina ignored.

True but I wouldn't want to abandon states rights over this . . . or anything for that matter.

What the fuck is wrong with people ! Why in the hell do people feel the need to advertise their religiosity or sex orient. via rainbow and / or fish decals, license plate frames and now the plate itself ?
Answer - insecurity
well f'en get over it already.

Don't Ask Don't tell !! Is that so difficult ?
Since it is really not that long I am going to put up the full text of the original link since a lot of the responses I have read are seemingly unaware of what the story really is here.
"COLUMBIA, South Carolina (CNN) -- Unless a federal court intervenes, South Carolina drivers may soon be able to profess their Christian faith with a state-issued license plate.

South Carolina's plate is based on a design by Florida, which was rejected by the state.

The state plans to issue plates featuring a Christian cross and the words "I Believe," but a group advocating the separation of church and state says that goes too far.

A similar design had been considered by Florida's lawmakers, but it was rejected there because of concerns over separation of church and state.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which includes Christian, Jewish and Hindu clergy, filed a federal lawsuit last month. The group contends that the plates violate the U.S. Constitution's prohibition against government favoring one religion over another religion or non-religion.

South Carolina became the first state to offer Christian car tags last month, when Gov. Mark Sanford allowed the bill to become law without his signature. The state legislature had passed it unanimously.

"I think it allows people of faith to profess that they believe in a higher calling, they believe in God," said Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer.

Bauer has offered to personally pay a $4,000 deposit required for the Department of Motor Vehicles to begin producing the plates. The fee would be returned to him later.

The Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said Bauer's willingness to pay the deposit "more deeply confirms this is a government-sponsored program."

"I don't believe that these license plates will ever be on any car in South Carolina, because I think our Constitutional claim is so strong," Lynn said.

South Carolina's legislature has not made a similar specialty plate available for any other faith, he said.

While individuals can ask the DMV to print plates for other faiths -- for a $4,000 fee -- the request would be subject to significant limits and rules not imposed for the Christian plate. Other tags could feature a religious symbol -- such as the Star of David -- but no words would be allowed.

The Christian plate will include the words "I Believe" and a bright-yellow cross on a multicolored stained glass church window.

Lynn's group said in a news release "that other religions will not be able to get similar license plates expressing differing viewpoints, nor can a comparable 'I Don't Believe' license plate be issued.

"The state has made believers of non-Christian faiths feel that they are second-class citizens," Lynn said. "Under our Constitution, that's impermissible."

Bauer said allowing Christians to have a specialty license plate is freedom of speech. He said those who oppose are prejudiced against Christians.

"We're not going to back down," Bauer said. "We're going to fight for a change. I'm tired of seeing Christians back down in fear of a lawsuit."

Bauer also said he is not afraid of a personal political backlash against him.

"If I were never to get elected or serve in another capacity because I pronounce my faith as a Christian, I don't have a problem with that," Bauer said. "

The Gov of the state has offered to personally put up the money that is initially required to make the plate,he will get it back though.He is clearly just pandering IMO to his christian base.
And while it says other religions could put up the $4000 (but don't expect the gov to do it lol) they would only be allowed a symbol not text like the christian one is getting.And no atheist could get one that said "I don't beleive" which would be the equivalent of the Christian " I Beleive" which is proposed.So clearly this is the state favoring one religion over other beliefs.
Actually I think this is all a big publicity stunt as a Federal court will almost assuredly say this is not permissable as the opponents mention in the story.
And others have mentioned other states which already have religious based plates.I think they are refereing to the states that have "Choose Life" which while I think is inapproriate for a licence plate and does have religious undertones is probably vague enough to not be considered "religious" per se.
refereing to the states that have "Choose Life" which while I think is inapproriate for a licence plate and does have religious undertones

So I'm not the only one that worships George Micheal?
It'll definitely pass. South Carolina is one fucked up, god loving, broke ass state. They'd get on their knees and suck the bible's dick if it asked them to.
Please tell me you didn't mean this the way it comes across to this wild-eyed southern boy from Texas.


Of course your right Jagger it is not fair or accurate to stereotype all people in that way.Not all southerners are glad to be associated with these things I'm sure.Just as there are plenty of right wing religious folks in the north , not all are secular progressives which is the stereotype.While some things may be more common like the death penalty,bible belt thinking etc in the southern states I think we need to not forget our more enlightened southern citizens.:thumbsup:
This can result in only bad. What good can possibly come from this? No-one actually cares whether you are a Christian or not.

Goodness knows why people are actually proud of being Christians.

I am Christian, but God I don't go around telling everyone and bragging about it. lol
Stupid idea for my state:crash:
I wasn't promoting socialism. Just refocusing on where our money is spent and why we are poor instead of issues that are used to blind us to that. It relates to everything, obviously. I mean, look at this thread.. HUGE SNIP

It's not often I agree with Fox, but hey, he's right. Those license plates are only yours in the fact that they're on your car. They belong to the state.

Refocusing government money, as long as it's not taken from private businesses or individuals, isn't socialism.

But wow- I know it's in vogue right now, but I'm amazed by all the hate for Christianity that came spewing forth in this thread, right from the beginning. ********** has been the voice of... reason? :eek:


Seriously, why the hell is everyone so up in arms. This isn't going to be a plate you *have* to get in SC- it's an optional plate that Christians can get if they want. Hell, here in Iowa we have TONS of optional plates:

And that's not counting the handicapped, official city, county, and state plates, truck and trailer (semi) plates, etc.

I'd love to see a voodoo plate, but that's more likely in Louisiana than here in Iowa. I guess I just don't see the reason for everyone to immediately chime in on the bashing of Christianity just because there's a stupid license plate announcing faith. Sweet Christ, go to Nebraska, where they also have a religious plate- announcing their faith and devotion to University of Nebraska football.

Let's be honest, they may not have a license plate, but if there was this kind of reaction to rainbow stickers on the back of someone's car, it would be labeled as "hate", and there would be outrage, apologies demanded, etc. Time honored tradition- people announce and celebrate what interests them, what they stand for, etc. I haven't crossed the threshold of a church in over 20 years, but I'm not going to bash folks that do. It's not that big of a deal.

And can someone please explain how "This can result in only bad. "? :dunno:

:2 cents: (all right, more like half a penny and a coupon for breakfast at Denny's)



Originally Posted by Moe_Fuzz
Fuck the South. Fuck the Red States. Fuck Jesusland.

Order Order Order I say !

Just because some people down south are overly religious, does not mean we all are.
Yeah I agree , DD !

^ Stop yo flamin' and broad generalizations ! What a disrespectful, bloody fooo !

Some of you guys are so obsessed with your areligious tendencies, you rank among the counter contemporary nutters that you despise :dunno:

I hate HATE threads !

If we disperse religious intolerance, what will the collective society allow to hate after that ?

Take it up with the state cap in So C.
Let's be honest, they may not have a license plate, but if there was this kind of reaction to rainbow stickers on the back of someone's car, it would be labeled as "hate", and there would be outrage, apologies demanded, etc.

Ah, hold on now. Homosexuality is a genetic trait some people are born with and we cannot condemn someone for following through on their basic instincts. Religion, on the other hand, is a sick, twisted perversion that some people CHOOSE to embrace. But neither should be on a license plate.

Homosexuality or religion, I don't want public funds devoted to the celebration of either one.
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