She has had 2 boob jobs and says she wants to have the biggest boobs in UK glamour. So more might come yet.


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I hope she stops where she is now. She looks plenty good and it would be a shame if she ended up with that "overdone" look.
Really hope she doesnt completely ruin her boobs as they were perfect natural anyway, and look ok as they are now. I really dont get woman who want massive fake tits as I think most men prefer natural.
If you look back over the last few days on her twitter, she mentions how she has just had a boob job and has increased her breasts to 525cc. Is there any chance anyone knows what 525cc is in bra size or does it not work that way? :dunno:

That's the new implant size she's had put in. Now we don't now if she has any others in with it. Also you need to know the start size etc. To find out just how big she is now. If she is doing still what she has stated in the past. Then they will be big as she wants the biggest breasts in British glamour.
That's the new implant size she's had put in. Now we don't now if she has any others in with it. Also you need to know the start size etc. To find out just how big she is now. If she is doing still what she has stated in the past. Then they will be big as she wants the biggest breasts in British glamour.

I can't wait to see the results of this op. I just hope they don't look too "fake" since the larger implants, the harder it is to keep them looking natural.