Songs that are just magical to you

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Stevie Winwood was easily one of my favorite solo artists from the 80's... and even before when he was with Spencer Davis Group, Traffic and Blind Faith.

I loved the one you mentioned and I've always found this song to be both magical and somewhat haunting.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
A modern take on a Neil Young classic. Check it out... seriously. I usually don't like modern covers of iconic Classic Rock tunes. But this one hooked me.

Dang, I'm going to have to download this one.

I had may be heard this song once in my entire life when I was a kid. Recently I'd been waking up with it playing in my head for no apparent reason.

it is magical. and great day, Olivia Newton John sure was a looker.

broken link bump.

she's so f'n sexy. Her and f'n what's her tits, Kylie Minogue, are Australia's greatest contributions to babedom.



FreeOnes Lifetime Member
The Beatles "I Got A Feeling" ;)

--- let's see how many days this is up at youtube? ... the countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ...

Sad. :(
I most likely said "Sade" somewhere in this thread and if I didn't I apologize to her, and you. Her songs take me places with that beautiful voice. Oh, I forgot she is gorgeous too, UGH!!!- Just kidding, no I didn't ;) I have all of her material. You throw in some Sade on a date....Your getting laid that night guaranteed. Every album/song is superb ;)

I most likely said "Sade" somewhere in this thread and if I didn't I apologize to her, and you. Her songs take me places with that beautiful voice. Oh, I forgot she is gorgeous too, UGH!!!- Just kidding, no I didn't ;) I have all of her material. You throw in some Sade on a date....Your getting laid that night guaranteed. Every album/song is superb ;)

^ same

it's like she's singing from a dream.