I'm sorry coach I must be tired. I'll try harder next time.....
I dont know, I looked at the picture and I read through the posts and the only answer that came to mind was "alright". Yes she does need a shave, and maybe something to regulate her hormones a little, because;
-Jim, it seems we've got some overgrowth happening here.
-Well Bill I'm gonna have to agree, let me get my lawnmower out and lets see i we cant trip this bitch down.
Now everyone is asking themselves, who are Jim and Bill? and now that I've mentioned them I'm going to have to explain, you see once I had taken an extremely high dose of a drug that was supposed to regulate the amount of rage a person had. This was back in the days when I would take part in clinical trials.
So I had been taking these drigs for about 3 weeks when all of sudden one spring sunday morning two elderly gentlemen walked into my kitchen uninvited. They both looked a lot like Walter Mathau ina sort of kind of way.....
To tell you the truth I was shocked, I was dirty, hungover (you shouldnt have been drinking on those drugs, but I didnt care) and naked and eating bran flakes. The two men didnt seem to mind, they just sat down and began to chat amongst themselves every now and then they would look up and seek my approval on something. I would nod and they would continue.
I tried to call the police but when they arrived they looked me as if I were crazy. I was arrested for wasting police time, questioned and detained for my own safety in what would be called a mental hospital. Where I was told that I had had a complete mental breakdown and I was delusional. I was then strapped to a really uncomfortable bed and left for between 10 and 15 days I lost count.
Jim and Bill were always there, and always talking I remember I was surprised that they got in. But now I know different, now I know that Jim and Bill are my delusions. Its hard to accept that when you've seen both Jim and Bill naked, butt fucking infront of the head nurse. But you have to otherwise you would kill all the people they want you to and that wouldnt make me a very productive member of society now would it?
Yes I have had moments where Jim and Bill have been so convincing that I really coulndt do anything else other than to stab that guy. But that was the last time
DAMMIT!!! Okay I lie, there have been 7 more incidents since then. But I swear never again. With Jesus love and the holy spirit ro guide me I shall over come this.
You happy now?