Was King of the Board for a Day
I've heard of an Oedipus complex, but this is ridiculous.
is she gonna be ok?
...sorry couldn't resist, it is terrible, but some people deal with terrible shit by joking about it
A thread about someone cutting off the head of another innocent person seems like a pretty strange place for someone to start whining about "racism" against the hygenically challenged muslamics.
meester...you've been pretty somber and melancholy as of late.You sure you're down in Colombia reflecting on the meaning of life type shit or something?
The saddest part of the story:
"Neighbors said that it took almost an hour for police to break into the room despite reportedly getting permission from the landlords to break the door down. "They just kept saying protocol this and protocol that. Now a woman's dead who should be alive if only the police would have listened," Gregory Clare, whose father owns the building, said. "It would have made a big difference. I think Miss Brea would still be here.""
Are you saying he made a mistake by cutting her head off? Or he was mistaken by quoting bible passages?
Interesting...Although I would have called an exorcist for a second opinion, only since it's my mother. That's just my :2 cents: though."I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her."