So, Vacation Plans This Summer?

Going to the beach and while I'm there maybe collecting some seashells, oh and maybe catching some hermit crabs, and of course tryin to fill up my 5 gallon buck with oil! I gotta try to save ona oil change...fuck, it's a recession!
I plan on fire bombing the Vatican sometime this summer. I'm sure the getaway will be just what I need to unwind and relax.
Can I come to Austria with you. I've always wanted to go. We will need to drug me to get on the plane though. I terrified of them.

Surely, you can come. And I'll get you good and liquoured up before getting on the plane. I think it will make getting into the "mile high club" a lot easier.
All I got planned is to go to/teach at a weekend martial arts training camp.

Not a big vacation person. I'd rather have a day off once a week and a few weeks off once a year
I should definitely vacation to your area this summer. It's also entirely possible...hmmmm. when do I stop being a fan and start being a creepy stalker?

That's a line I'm willing to tread.

When your vacationing in my area are looking for me but don't tell me. I think that's probably when.

So I suspect if that's the case no matter what there's going to be a large amount of turbulence on any flight you get on. ;)

Yep I'd think so.