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So this Betsy Ross flag controversy...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here's another situation that I truly don't get. I've had a "Betsy Ross" flag for over 25 years (and yes, I'm aware that her contribution to its origins are more myth than fact). Last time I checked, I wasn't a member of any extremist movements - course, the PC po-po have changed the criteria, so maybe I am now. :dunno: But anyway, I bought it to celebrate and recognize the origins of this republic and the fact that my home state was one of the originals. So Colin Kaepernick was just out of diapers when I first flew this flag. For him (or any other whiny, know-it-all SJW celebrity or athlete) to now make that flag a symbol of racism or slavery is beyond ridiculous, just because he heard about some extremist goofballs who've adopted the flag for other purposes or reasons. Though he was killed before this flag ever flew, Crispus Attucks, and many other Black Americans, fought for the ideals and the cause that this flag represented. It was their contributions and sacrifices that moved us steps closer to the justice for all ideal - and yes, we still have a ways to go. But instead of trying to white wash history and apply 21st Century ideals to 18th Century people, people like Kaepernick need to just come to grips with the FACT that every society, every country and every group of people have something in the past that we find unfortunate now.

Hey Colin, you are aware that the Buffalo soldiers killed many an American Indian, aren't you? From what I know of you (which isn't much), you know how to read a blitz and you're not exactly great at that. As for other matters, I suspect that you get your "knowledge" from Twitter and Facebook. But my point: there's a Buffalo Soldier Monument in Ft. Leavenworth, KS. Why don't you go demand that that be ripped down, cause the Indians got screwed from all sides, didn't they? So rip down the monument to the Black people who helped screw them over too. Yeah, go ahead, big boy. Let's see how that goes for you. Dude, just like the other washed-up half-talents, you've just discovered a way to make money by being a Social Justice Warrior. That's my opinion of you and I'm stickin' with it.

So fuck you (and Nike) and the limp-wristed mule that you rode in on.

This is flying in front of my house today. If you or your kind don't like it, come onto my land and pull it down. But tell your loved ones goodbye... cause you might not make it back home this evening. ;) The average 5 year old girl doesn't whine and cry as much as these delicate, fragile, easily offended PC pussies.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I've seen some really dumb takes on twitter about this non-issue. One of the dumbest was some twat who thought this flag represented the Klan. I took an involuntary timeout for calling her retarded.

The truth is that most of the signers of the Declaration were indeed slave owners. But that was a status forced upon them by King George. Most of the northern colonies placed value on freedom for all men, of any color and put in their colony's charters a statute that made slavery illegal. King George decreed they were English colonies and they would have slaves whether they liked it or not.

Thomas Jefferson (Still my least favorite founding father) tried to make slavery illegal in Virginia but there were several grandfathered loopholes that he was forced to keep slaves until they were freed by his will upon his death. But not all of them. There were Dowry Slaves that he had no right to free because they were his wife's property. Same with Washington. Martha's slaves were her property until her death. Also, the myth about Jefferson fathering several mixed race children was just a myth. DNA tests done in 1997 proved that, but it was under-reported and people believe what they want to believe.

But I digress. Why, if flags are only symbolic and not sacred, do assholes like Kaepernick even care?

Happy Independence Day.
How many months went by where he wasn't talked about? With the whole believe in something nonsense?

Simce that whole thing how often did you think of him or Nike in them months? I wonder if this shoe was ever going to see release at all or if it wasn't just a concept drawing, insert Colon's name here, and generate Fourth of July patriotic outrage. This all went down like a wek ago or so. Whole thing is dumb and the fact this over privileged waste of adopted nut splatter into silver spoon circumstance needs to shut the fuck up and enjoy some goddamn liberties he is so desperately trying to shit on and divide.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Cubs' AA affiliate Tennessee Smokies make then apologize for tweet mocking Colin Kaepernick

Earlier Wednesday, the Smokies tweeted and then deleted a photo of their stadium infield, where the "Betsy Ross" American flag -- featuring 13 stars in a circle and 13 stripes -- had been drawn in the dirt. The tweet said "Hey @Kaepernick7 after a lot of thought, we have decided it's best to just do it. #America."


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yeah, he does make himself an easy target. But I think he likes that, since he's also making a pretty penny these days by linking up with people who will blindly follow him and his beliefs. Nike signed him onto the payroll for a rea$on, right? ;) But now, I happen to agree with him, and others, that we definitely do have a real issue in this country with bias in the criminal justice system - and those issues are linked to race, gender and socio-economics. If you're a poor White guy, it's very likely that some crooked cops will collude to jam you up too. Yeah, maybe worse if you're poor and Black, but you'll be jammed up just the same. If I killed someone in cold blood in broad daylight, I'd want to be a cute, little, blond White girl from a rich family as I walked into the courtroom. Hell, I'd squirt a few crocodile tears and I'd be found not guilty before I sat down. So yeah, there's bias. But those of Kaepernick's ilk focus way too much on meaningless, superficial things... like the Betsy Ross flag or whether people who own NBA teams should be referred to as "owners" - how childish and stupid is that? I haven't seen a shred of evidence that his whining and grandstanding have improved the situation with police brutality or injustice, or the fact that Black kids are still slaughtering other Black kids... over their Nikes. What about the child laborers (virtually slaves) that have been used to make Nike shoes? Hmm, interesting that he's had nothing to say about that. Why? Cause that's a real issue that involves his employer... or "governor" or whatever acceptable PC word he wants to use to describe Nike.

To keep us from punching loudmouthed kids on the playground way back when, the teachers taught us to say, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Course we didn't have safe spaces or get participation ribbons. When a word or the sight of a flag or statue "triggers" people these days, I just have to shake my head.
Yeah, he does make himself an easy target. But I think he likes that, since he's also making a pretty penny these days by linking up with people who will blindly follow him and his beliefs. Nike signed him onto the payroll for a rea$on, right? ;) But now, I happen to agree with him, and others, that we definitely do have a real issue in this country with bias in the criminal justice system - and those issues are linked to race, gender and socio-economics. If you're a poor White guy, it's very likely that some crooked cops will collude to jam you up too. Yeah, maybe worse if you're poor and Black, but you'll be jammed up just the same. If I killed someone in cold blood in broad daylight, I'd want to be a cute, little, blond White girl from a rich family as I walked into the courtroom. Hell, I'd squirt a few crocodile tears and I'd be found not guilty before I sat down. So yeah, there's bias. But those of Kaepernick's ilk focus way too much on meaningless, superficial things... like the Betsy Ross flag or whether people who own NBA teams should be referred to as "owners" - how childish and stupid is that? I haven't seen a shred of evidence that his whining and grandstanding have improved the situation with police brutality or injustice, or the fact that Black kids are still slaughtering other Black kids... over their Nikes. What about the child laborers (virtually slaves) that have been used to make Nike shoes? Hmm, interesting that he's had nothing to say about that. Why? Cause that's a real issue that involves his employer... or "governor" or whatever acceptable PC word he wants to use to describe Nike.

To keep us from punching loudmouthed kids on the playground way back when, the teachers taught us to say, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Course we didn't have safe spaces or get participation ribbons. When a word or the sight of a flag or statue "triggers" people these days, I just have to shake my head.

Don't care about 'Kap" or his takes. My read is just another over opinionated douche bag.
If he helps someone somewhere good for him but all I ever hear is 'look at me fight the man' and that helps no one but "Kap".
Go make a difference without the crappy attitude and I will be impressed otherwise fade away......