So i think my gf might be cheating on me :/

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I dont know where else to ask, ive searched the internet everywhere to find an answer so ill ask here.

Basicly i met a girl off the net almost a year ago now, and this girl i always thought was really special, she is the total oppisite of a slut, some1 i could really trust, might sound stupid to some but we have big plans, she is moving to england this year to be with me, we want a family.. get married etc. we talk everyday all day and everythin seems to be going fine untill today..

We was talking on msn, and she goes.. "i have to go doctor tommoro, to get the needle done" (birth control needle) "even tho im not having sex" and obviously i was like WTF why would you have the needle if ur not having sex? and she goes she has been taking it for years, it just makes her feel "safe" and of course this has just brought on a huge arguement, if she is rly fucking someone then im gone, but like i said, she really doesnt seem that kind of girl, she swears down on her moms deathbed she is not having sex.

So my question, mainly to the girls you think she is telling the truth? Is there any reason to be taking the needle even if you dont have sex? i mean, she spends most of her day with me, apart from going to study and work.

I'd prefer serious answer's please, coz my situation kinda sucks atm. thnx.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Last I checked girls take birthcontrol for other reasons than preventing pregnancies...
Last I checked girls take birthcontrol for other reasons than preventing pregnancies...

Exactly, and if she is on it for years already its probably better too keep doing it.

I wouldn't be worried!
Women don't just take birth control because of sex, it also can help a women alot with their periods. This whole situation sounds a little weird though
First. Judging by this

coz my situation kinda sucks atm. thnx.

I will say age is under 21.

Second. Birth Control could be taken for skin care as well.

Third. England is far away. How does she know you aren't cheating as well.
How old are you?


Last I checked girls take birthcontrol for other reasons than preventing pregnancies...


You started an argument over this???

Enjoy masturbating.


@OP Aside from this sounding like something she was already doing before she met you (as she likely had other relationships before you "magically" appeared) but as mentioned before, women take them for other reasons too.

Considering she offered this info up voluntarily suggests she has some degree of comfort and trust in you (not that it's necessarily a big deal for her to tell you this) that you've now shattered. Why do you think she would be telling you this if it automatically meant she was fucking someone else?

If you haven't already mindfucked her into not trusting your judgement now and her willingness to talk to you like she once thought she should have been able to...this what you do.

Fall on you sword, go groveling hat in hand confessing how immature, naive and childish you were. Hope she sees some maturity in your ability to apologize for being wrong then try to explain away naive reaction by telling her how serious you are about her.

On the flip side, if she is fucking someone least this wouldn't be you.:1orglaugh

This thread is not going anywhere, so how bout this...


or GTFO.

Maybe ^^^that will cheer you up OP...

IWJ..who's the bra-bustin' bimbo??? She's quite fap worthy (her tits are:o).
I think you should fly out and surprise her in the middle of the night. If there's a guy in bed with her, kill them both. If not, have some hot, hot sex as she's on birthcontrol.
I dont know where else to ask, ive searched the internet everywhere to find an answer so ill ask here.

Basicly i met a girl off the net almost a year ago now, and this girl i always thought was really special, she is the total oppisite of a slut, some1 i could really trust, might sound stupid to some but we have big plans, she is moving to england this year to be with me, we want a family.. get married etc. we talk everyday all day and everythin seems to be going fine untill today..

We was talking on msn, and she goes.. "i have to go doctor tommoro, to get the needle done" (birth control needle) "even tho im not having sex" and obviously i was like WTF why would you have the needle if ur not having sex? and she goes she has been taking it for years, it just makes her feel "safe" and of course this has just brought on a huge arguement, if she is rly fucking someone then im gone, but like i said, she really doesnt seem that kind of girl, she swears down on her moms deathbed she is not having sex.

So my question, mainly to the girls you think she is telling the truth? Is there any reason to be taking the needle even if you dont have sex? i mean, she spends most of her day with me, apart from going to study and work.

I'd prefer serious answer's please, coz my situation kinda sucks atm. thnx.

If you are not next to her,
You are not sexing her.

If she doesn't have your ring,
there is no cheating


You've been going out with a girl on the internet for a year and you've never even met her.

If I was in your shoes, regardless of her being faithful, I'd be jumping into a bathtub with a toaster right about now.
You've been going out with a girl on the internet for a year and you've never even met her.

If I was in your shoes, regardless of her being faithful, I'd be jumping into a bathtub with a toaster right about now.

Bahahahahahaha. :bowdown:
You've been going out with a girl on the internet for a year and you've never even met her.

If I was in your shoes, regardless of her being faithful, I'd be jumping into a bathtub with a toaster right about now.

He doesnt say he never met her, he said they met online a year ago. (Unless Im mistaken)

End of the day this is a pointless thread.

You say youve searched the web for the answer. This is not a question that has a text book answer, is common sense so short in supply these days?

If you have met the girl and are sharing a relationship in person, why the hell do you spend your nights talking on msn to her?

If you havent met this girl yet, you expect me to believe you have made life plans with a person you have not spent any time with face to face?

Thats the most ludicrous and naive thing Ive ever read. Talking to a person on msn and in person are two VERY different things.

You have created in your mind a perfect woman based on some text on a screen. No such thing my friend.

Shes not cheating, you two arent in a relationship. You're pen pals.

Shes free to have sex with whoever she wants, you dont own her, you arent her boyfriend - there fore you have no say.
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