I dont know where else to ask, ive searched the internet everywhere to find an answer so ill ask here.
Basicly i met a girl off the net almost a year ago now, and this girl i always thought was really special, she is the total oppisite of a slut, some1 i could really trust, might sound stupid to some but we have big plans, she is moving to england this year to be with me, we want a family.. get married etc. we talk everyday all day and everythin seems to be going fine untill today..
We was talking on msn, and she goes.. "i have to go doctor tommoro, to get the needle done" (birth control needle) "even tho im not having sex" and obviously i was like WTF why would you have the needle if ur not having sex? and she goes she has been taking it for years, it just makes her feel "safe" and of course this has just brought on a huge arguement, if she is rly fucking someone then im gone, but like i said, she really doesnt seem that kind of girl, she swears down on her moms deathbed she is not having sex.
So my question, mainly to the girls you think she is telling the truth? Is there any reason to be taking the needle even if you dont have sex? i mean, she spends most of her day with me, apart from going to study and work.
I'd prefer serious answer's please, coz my situation kinda sucks atm. thnx.
Basicly i met a girl off the net almost a year ago now, and this girl i always thought was really special, she is the total oppisite of a slut, some1 i could really trust, might sound stupid to some but we have big plans, she is moving to england this year to be with me, we want a family.. get married etc. we talk everyday all day and everythin seems to be going fine untill today..
We was talking on msn, and she goes.. "i have to go doctor tommoro, to get the needle done" (birth control needle) "even tho im not having sex" and obviously i was like WTF why would you have the needle if ur not having sex? and she goes she has been taking it for years, it just makes her feel "safe" and of course this has just brought on a huge arguement, if she is rly fucking someone then im gone, but like i said, she really doesnt seem that kind of girl, she swears down on her moms deathbed she is not having sex.
So my question, mainly to the girls you think she is telling the truth? Is there any reason to be taking the needle even if you dont have sex? i mean, she spends most of her day with me, apart from going to study and work.
I'd prefer serious answer's please, coz my situation kinda sucks atm. thnx.