Snackie! Snackie! Snackie! At Midnight! What Did You Have For Your Midnight Snackiepoo???

I just had some Chips & Salsa then found some cookies in the dining room that I also ate. I washed it all down guzzling Hershey Syrup out of a plastic squeeze bottle while standing in the opened refrigerator door in my underwear cooling my nuts. Sure was good.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm sleeping at midnight, and if I'm not I'm drinking, so, it's either that 1 cold left over pizza, or pretzels.
I am Captain Snackiepoo, the block night watchman, and I stay up all night smoking marijuana and watching professional wresting. I eat snackies to stay awake and also eat snackies so I can get to sleep.

Tonight's Suppertime Supper will be retrieved from Big Tomy's. Gonna get a Double Chili Cheeseburger for Supper and another Double Chili Cheeseburger for my Snackietime Snackiepoo Snacky-Snack-Snack at Midnight. There will be a buncha Carne Asada Fries mixed in as well.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
Curse those Tommy's chili burgers though. So dumb and good.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I think he means eating pussy is his midnight snack, which is a tasty snack,,,,as long as they're still attached to the girl.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I like Chili and I like burgers, so a chili burger would be good. I don't recall having one though.
Well yeah, lets face it, were guys, if 2 things sound good, they sound better with a friend....... Bacon-burger. Hot/chick. Fast car. Lets face it, if you added "ON TIT'S" to any of those, it would have tripled their point value in any game!!
I think he means eating pussy is his midnight snack, which is a tasty snack,,,,as long as they're still attached to the girl.

Aw heck, I had Chili Burgers on the brain and couldn't think right. Sometimes Chili Burgers are all I think of when it's not Burritos.


I like Chili and I like burgers, so a chili burger would be good. I don't recall having one though.

I like pussy. I like pussy a lotta-lotta. They are fun to penetrate and they taste nice.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
How are you guys not getting acid reflux eating spicy foods so late at night?
I try to beat it, by chugging enough coke or beer to burp it into extinction. If they don't work, I go to Vernors ginger ale for the nuclear option


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
My midnight snackery is based on being low on sugar, otherwise I am not hungry while sleeping.

I have mixed nuts around, in a plastic bottle, capped, and just pour a solid mouthful into my head to chomp on, and am fine.

I dream about a microwave, though, and some equivalent of hot pockets

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
My midnight snackery is based on being low on sugar, otherwise I am not hungry while sleeping.

I have mixed nuts around, in a plastic bottle, capped, and just pour a solid mouthful into my head to chomp on, and am fine.

I dream about a microwave, though, and some equivalent of hot pockets
A friend of mine always has a stash of granola bars around. We were doing something outdoors one day. and he reached in a hunting jacket he hadn't worn since the previous season, and found one from the year before, He put it back, I guess he figured it's granola, it's already stale, crunchy, and tastes like cardboard, fuck it.