Now I do see two sides to this...
Yes it would be great to have some more smilies to use. It could well make things fun and also like Tunsty said with this smiley :thefinger it can be used or taken two ways. I mean I used this one
just the other day, but not for a cool statement but a blind statement. Although I don't think it quite got the joke across because the smiley wasn't exactly the right meaning. So I've always been for adding more smilies.
Now the but the other way is, what you have to take into account. They could promote spamming. Where a member would have left comments they might just use smilies instead. Then there is the use of only 5 smilies a post, are we also after getting rid of that. Plus this isn't a picture posting board, it's a talking board in many aspects. The use of too many smilies could damage that. Then when do you say stop too. As I myself could ask for a few different ones as most other members could too. As the exact smiley never seems to be there when you want it.
Like I said there has been many a time I've wanted to put a drooling smiley on something. I even asked in a comments thread I made. But still I have to go the old route *drools* type of thing instead. Then I could also think of *woah* type smiley I wish there had been at times. Plus many others in my time here.
So then the question becomes who decides which ones are going to be created if you are going to limit a set number of new ones. As not everyone is going to be happy with the final pick :dunno:
(Like the way I even managed to end on one :1orglaugh)