Skydiving without a Parachute

He is F..... Crazy.

Man! Has he got balls!

Thanks for sharing it, Dave.:thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Oh My!:eek:

Thats not safe AT ALL! :rolleyes:
COOL! With two real good friends jumping with me!


Postal Paranoiac
If it's well-planned and he has skilled skydivers working with him, then there's still going to be a Chance he's smashed. I notice he was drinking something before the jump. Was is 150 proof??


what the fuck you lookin at?

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I never heard someone say that Jürgen Möllemann had balls but okay.

No honestly, thats really crazy but impressive!
I know my fat ass wouldn't be trying anything like that. For starters, my friends would pull a prank on me in mid air and deploy their parachutes before I had mine on...
Impressive ! :yesyes:
I'd like to know more about these are rehearsed :confused:

Look at some of the "Base Jumping" Videos too.

i.e. - She's got balls !

If she didn't wear a helmet, she would've likely been a gonner !

:eek: :glugglug:

Now that's just stupid. When you do silly shit like that you shouldn't think of the possible risk you're putting yourself in, but of the people who will have to go rescue you. I don't give half a rat's ass about the dumb broad in the parachute because she was asking for it, but the guys rescuing her were unnecessarily putting their own asses at risk.
Impressive ! :yesyes:

If she didn't wear a helmet, she would've likely been a gonner !

That reminds me of this story out of Seattle back in 94 or something. A pre-med grad from Univ. of Washington decided graduation night to base jump from the Sea-First tower in downtown Seattle. He didn't test the wind, he was being chased by the building security or something - all the hustle made him just "go for it". The wind shear was so strong that his chute opened, but it kept banging him up against the glass all the way down. Something like 20+ stories, when he finally landed into a bunch of waiting cops and EMS, they said his head looked like soft putty. :bigjump:

Suffice it to say, I think the story was he had gotten a full ride to John Burns Medical School at Univ Hawaii Manoa. I guess that whoever was the alternate for that scholarship was like :nanner: :rofl:

So rule of thumb

Check your gear
Double check your gear
Visualize (what your are going through and what your are going to do)
Re-check your gear
Put your gear on and do final equipment check
Talk your processes and fail safes through to yourself

Then do the crazy - JUMP
I saw this on the Jackass MTV takeover thing, it makes me feel a bit queesy inside when people do things like this, it is pure insanity.


Closed Account
I can't imagine the feeling. I've done some crazy things before, and my adrenaline has been off the charts... But this. Dear god. How the hell did he have the guts?
I can pretty much guarantee that we will be hearing about Travis Pastrana involved in some sort of accident that's gonna claim his life,if he keeps doing crazy shit like this.I'm not wishing anything bad on him,I actually like his Moto X skills,but it just seems like bad things happen to people who can't quench their thirst for more adrenaline.

Here's some of the sickest shit I've ever seen.
By the way,does anyone know who does the music in this clip?