Impressive ! :yesyes:
If she didn't wear a helmet, she would've likely been a gonner !
That reminds me of this story out of Seattle back in 94 or something. A pre-med grad from Univ. of Washington decided graduation night to base jump from the Sea-First tower in downtown Seattle. He didn't test the wind, he was being chased by the building security or something - all the hustle made him just "go for it". The wind shear was so strong that his chute opened, but it kept banging him up against the glass all the way down. Something like 20+ stories, when he finally landed into a bunch of waiting cops and EMS, they said his head looked like soft putty. :bigjump:
Suffice it to say, I think the story was he had gotten a full ride to John Burns Medical School at Univ Hawaii Manoa. I guess that whoever was the alternate for that scholarship was like :nanner: :rofl:
So rule of thumb
Check your gear
Double check your gear
Visualize (what your are going through and what your are going to do)
Re-check your gear
Put your gear on and do final equipment check
Talk your processes and fail safes through to yourself
Then do the crazy - JUMP