I have a hard time having any sympathy for her when she, and elected official, won't respond or answer her own constituents, or any other normal person she effects, concerns. She sure as hell doesn't share that lack of response when it comes to attending to her big time donors, especially lately. When going after her like that is the only resort left to make her face any kind of repercussions for her decisions it gets harder to blame the people doing it. Better avenues are available to her if Sinema doesn't like it, and she choose to run.
While I'd rather stuff not come to that either, activist have to be loud, seen, and unavoidable to make anything happen. If all anybody ever did was protest quietly in their house alone in the dark with the lights off for fear of making people uncomfortable nothing would ever get done. It would be worthless. That's not just now but pretty much any type of activism throughout history. A giant part of the point is to make people uncomfortable because one, it's harder to be ignored then, and two because it doesn't allow the public at large to use escapism to brush it's problems aside.
Plus, she's a corrupt bitch so it's even harder for me to care. I'd like to think that what she's down will cost her seat next election, but even if that happens I'm sure there is a sweat ass lobbying gig waiting for her somewhere after all this is done.