Does She Look Stunning In These Pics?

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Hung Lo

groovy baby

thanks, one of my favorite babes


Retired Moderator
kevinnnn said:
wheres that one set from silvia saint getting fucked by that one negro ?
I merged you thread !!! Click in the first link on this topic to find out what you are looking for !
ooo she is so hot, i think im gonna whack off to her right now :tongue:

and how old is Silvia Saint? some pictures she looks a bit older than usual models. but still good :rolleyes:
Brianelka - CURSE THOSE WORDS!!! Way too many pornsluts fuck with a good thing. Sylvia is simply stunning the way she is (and take a close look, she may have already "tuned" up those puppies a little bit anyhow). Balloon titted blonde bimbos are a dime a dozen. Like most Euro babes, Sylvia has maintained a more natural look than most mid American brain dead bimbos with personal flotation devices on their chests.

And as you all know I am a HUGE fan of fake tits, but only when needed.
I totally agree, that set is awesome.Her ass looks fantastic :eek: .
Damm she still makes me feel kinda funny :rolleyes: .Like when i used to climb the rope in gym class.


the gallery im looking for is the one wheres shes getting fucked by that one negro on the bed ...i think shes wearing white lingerie ...if any has it plz post it ..thanks in advance ...i didnt see it collection