Max said:
Have this fucking thread Seraphim!!!!
I don't care...I just hope it will stop all this silly bullshit.
So Seraphim aka Colonel..take this thread and shove it your ass!
my :2 cents:
Really now, Max.
In both PM's and here in posts I've tried to tell you that I only hate to see a good idea go to waste, as IMO it has done here. In the beginning I saw where this thread was headed and took action to prevent it. I guess I should have let it run it's course. Then when no one even remembered you or this thread, begin a thread with solid structure to it and make it really something that other members would like to participate in. Hey, live and learn Max.
I've learned that you are not the person I believed you once to be, but it's OK. Insulting me has done nothing, but diminish what ever light you had left here.
I don't need to steal threads as you put it. What would I gain? Nothing. I am where you wish you could be. I am here because I love this place and consider it a home away from home. A place I share with friends. I don't use this place as a place to vent frustrations or go on hissy fits when I don't get my way.
Max, I have no plans to take over this unorganized, grab asstic thread. In a couple of days I will post my own thread and members will have the option to participate as they see fit.
I apologize to everyone here for the rambling, but after Max's comment I felt I had to go on record and let everyone where I stand.
Seraphim aka Colonel