It's not called the bill of "NEEDS". it's called the bill of RIGHTS", and we won it, from your country, after YOUR king chose to oppress, and abuse it's SUBJECTS, which is what you currently are, while I am a citizen. the 2nd was installed, as the second most important right, after your king refused to listen to reason, making freedom of speech, the first most important thing. The 2nd was by design, intended to allow the "people", to fight a tyrannical "militia" (the U.S. military), so it is reasonable, that they be allowed to posses the necessary tools to do so.
If the president is going to use a pen, to usurp due processes, then he needs to do a great many things, before he starts stripping the law abiding of their rights.
#1) ALL illegal guns, and criminals off the streets. Even if it violates any Constitutional laws of the criminal. That means ALL gangs, clubs, cartels, or organized crime syndicates will be rounded up, and imprisoned. All gun buybacks, will now note, record and run the numbers on EVERY gun they get, and will arrest as needed.
#2) ALL criminals connected to any violent crime, especially with a gun, will be severely punished, up to and including execution. No more plea bargains, no more coddling, no more excuse of a poor misunderstood, dis advantaged youth from the inner city. They NEVER leave prison, or they are eradicated in some fashion.
#3) ALL borders are shut down. No one in or out, unless they apply FIRST, and are thoroughly vetted. Anyone here illegally is immediately deported, unless they are suspected, or linked to a gang, cartel, or any crime. Then they get to sit without bail until they are tried, and the result carried out. We can reopen Gitmo to store them for awhile, maybe build a couple of huge prisons near the border to house the filth, and give welfare recipients an opportunity to earn their money. We can also renovate Alcatraz. Also, all ports will be staffed with ATF agents, that will check to make sure not ONE single illegal gun gets in. Anyone caught red handed running guns, will be shot on site.
#4) The country needs to reduce violent crime by a minimum of 75% first, and maintain it for at least 2 years, to insure the murder by gun rate will go down, and of that 75%, 90% of gun violence must go down. Suicide statistics must be removed from gun violence statistics, as a suicidal person will find another way.
#5) The money for this will come from diverted funds. The aid we give to many countries will now be used for the good of THIS country, not theirs, and since the extra effort, will require extra people, some of that welfare money, will now become payroll money.