You bash democrats and defend republicans. Now you're going to have the gall to claim you have the "reasoning ability" to see faults in both parties. That's rich. It's obvious that you don't see the republican party for what it is and hey, that's fine, but don't pretend you're some above-it-all philosopher. At best you're a "libertarian". Libertarian- all of the bitching none of the responsibility. Why don't you just embrace anarchy while you're at it.
I'm biased because I've done the work to come to my positions. I've voted since '92 and didn't come to my positions without due diligence. I bought that nationalist crap the GOP sells when I was a kid. The more threads I pulled at republican positions the more they unraveled. I don't wholesale endorse the liberal agenda but there's a whole lot more that I agree with on the liberal side than there is on the conservative side and the liberals don't have to lie, character assassinate, and make hollow emotional appeals to scare people into voting for them. Republicans prey on peoples fears and prejudices to gin up support. They wrap themselves in the flag and hide behind Jesus to further their ridiculous social agenda, which itself is merely a tool used by establishment republicans to further their only true interest; tax cuts for the wealthy. Republican economics have a long track record of failure. If you can't comprehend history there's really no use arguing with you.
EDIT: Unnecessary abusive language. Deleted being off-topic.
then save your speech for someone who it applies too.
i'm not the poster child for the republican party.
youve done your work to come to your positions, like i havent?
youre the only one right?
i do side with republicans more often then democrats on many things and i hate the democrat politicians more than the repubs but i also know that both parties dont have the best interest of the common working class on their agenda.
you side with the dems on most but i could also say the same thing you just said and apply it to the democrats.
in fact i thought you were talking about the democrats.
democrats dont lie, character assassinate,make hollow emotional appeals ect ect ect........see youre in denial sir.
youre on the democrat plantation.
so i\m glad you can relate so much to the party of oprah, whoopi, and all the other extreme libs and also 99% of the lifelong welfare folks in america.
the democrat party is great ok.
lets not respond to each other any more because your just another internet pest looking to argue.