Or should they be allowed to expire? Should they be extended for about 1-2 years? Or should they be allowed to expire only for those in the top tax bracket?
None of them should expire, even those for the "rich." Deregulation of the housing loan industry crashed the economy. It was done by both major parties, not one politician on political party no matter how much you may hate them. The only way to save the economy is to cut spending. I am not a republican, this is just basic economics.
Of course they should expire!
They were a huge part of what ruined the economy and blew open the deficit. We all remember Cheney's words "Deficits don't matter."
The U.S. has never cut taxes during war time until the Texas Clown and the Wyoming Asshat bumbled their way into the White House....
The Bush tax cuts don't work. Clinton raised taxes on the top 2% and the economy grew by 22 million jobs in the nineties. Bush came in and cut taxes while growing the deficit and here we are lucky as fuck that Obama passed the stimulus that stabilized the economy. I'll take the Clinton economy over the Bush economy any day.
But since the money to fund these tax cuts would have to be borrowed and that would add to the deficit, you do see the contradiction in what you're saying, yes?
It's not really about what caused the economic crisis - that's kind of a different topic, if I may say so. It's about what we should or shouldn't do from a fiscal standpoint going forward. With consumption (not the "consumer", as some like to claim) being about 70% of GDP, I would try to take the smallest hit to revenues and still try to get the greatest positive affect on consumption/GDP. And people in the middle class, and those with small businesses, tend to net/net consume more... which adds to GDP... which provides a net growth component to the tax cuts.
But I agree with you, spending does need to be cut - including what we "spend" to fund tax breaks and credits. And unlike some, I wouldn't allow any sacred cows to keep walking around untouched. But on the flipside, we have to address the revenue side (tax collections) too.