Should Society Pay ?

Will E Worm

No one should have to pay a cent for this.

If you want to kill yourself, you have every right.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Since the 4,200-foot long suspension bridge opened in 1937, an estimated 1,200 people have killed themselves by jumping off and falling 245 feet to the freezing water below.

1,200 people in 71 years have jumped off the bridge and killed themselves. That's only :does math: about 17 people a year. $50,000,000 to prevent a mere 17 people a year from killing themselves by jumping off of this ONE individual bridge? What a fucking waste of money.

Also, do they think that by spending $50,000,000 to put up a barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge that the people who would've jumped off of it won't just find some other way to kill themselves? This is one of the stupidest things I've seen in a whiiiiiile.

The only reason this is happening is so the city doesn't have to dish out money to their employees. Every time somebody jumps off the bridge and commits suicide, the city has to pay their employees to go clean it up. So, instead of paying their EMPLOYEES (who already get paid anyway, mind you) to clean up the mere 17 messes a year, they're going to make innocent tax payers dish out $50,000,000. HA!!! Goooooood bleeeeess hooooooome sweeeeeet HOOOOOOOOOME!!!


what the fuck you lookin at?
No society shouldn't pay. If people wanna jump...let em fuckin jump!
All I would say is whenever I hear a question like this I think to myself "as compared to paying for what else we already do" and if what people are asking for here is any better or worse then that.Should society pay for this I won't answer,don't really care that much lol.But will say it pays for a lot of thngs that it shouldn't more than this IMO.
I agree with those of you who say this is stupid. As mentioned, they'll find another way to do it. As for cleaning it up, Chef, if they land in the water, and maybe even disintegrate somewhat on impact, there's likely not much clean up. The fishies will take care of that. But yeah, missing persons reports filed, bodies washing up and trucked to the morgue. There are some costs the city bears from this.
Perhaps they could get a few sharks to put in the waters below. Then they wouldn't even have to worry about cleanup.


Jumper Tells His Story Of Survival

"Kevin Hines, now 24, who survived a plunge off the Golden Gate Bridge and is now part of a campaign to add a barrier to the bridge, talked with TIME's Amanda Bower about his September 2000 jump. Here's his dramatic account, in his own words:

My birth parents were manic depressives. I'm adopted. In my junior year of high school, when I was 16 years old, my parents filed for divorce at the same time that I was taken off medication for epilepsy. That same pill acts as a mood stabilizer, but we didn't know I had bipolar [disorder] at that point, and I'd been on it since I was 4."

full story


Aside - It's interesting that those who advocate for the practices of Dr. Kevorkian are the same ones who want a suicide barrier.
society should pay legzman to toss em off.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Jumper Tells His Story Of Survival

"Kevin Hines, now 24, who survived a plunge off the Golden Gate Bridge and is now part of a campaign to add a barrier to the bridge, talked with TIME's Amanda Bower about his September 2000 jump. Here's his dramatic account, in his own words:

My birth parents were manic depressives. I'm adopted. In my junior year of high school, when I was 16 years old, my parents filed for divorce at the same time that I was taken off medication for epilepsy. That same pill acts as a mood stabilizer, but we didn't know I had bipolar [disorder] at that point, and I'd been on it since I was 4."

full story


God, I'm going to sound like such a heartless bitch, but, here I go...

By September 2000, I was more and more manic, depressed and paranoid. The pills were not helping. I said, I can't do this anymore. I was tired, I was tired of fighting the disease, I was tired of myself, I was tired of looking at myself in the mirror.

First of all, depression is not a disease. It's a "disorder" and most disorders are complete :bs:, IMO. Psychologists, therapists and doctors push around the names of all sorts of disorders just so you can think that you have something seriously wrong with you. It's a scare tactic, plain and simple. That way, they can prescribe you a bunch of pills and schedule you for a bunch of therapy sessions that will cost you some serious cash and put a bunch of money in their wallets. The fact that this kid calls depression a disease, just shows that he is the type of person who wants other people to feel sorry for him. It's just like when alcoholics claim they have a's so people have sympathy for them, even though they don't have a disease.

In reference to psychologists, therapists and doctors pushing out all sorts of medical terms for disorders just so they can make a quick and easy dad was diagnosed as a manic depressive. Why, you ask? Because he went to the doctor and said that he had been feeling tired lately, like he was low on energy. That's it...nothing more. Somehow, his doctor interpreted "FEELING TIRED" as being a manic depressive. :rofl: My dad is sooooo not a depressing kind of person, so I, and he as well, found his diagnosis of manic depression to be quite the joke. Oh, by the way...he was tired because his heart was failing. That doesn't seem like manic depression to me. :dunno:

I can't really say anything about how he tried to kill himself though, as I've done the same thing (not jump off a bridge though). But, it's sad how he acts all thankful that he didn't die, yet, he still makes excuses for why he tried to kill himself. When I tried to kill myself, I realized how ridiculously stupid I was being. No was all on me. Nothing made me put a knife to my wrist. I was just handling life the wrong way and it wasn't until then that I realized what a moron I was being. Hopefully, this kid will wake the fuck up one day and realize that life isn't a big bowl of cherries and deal with it.

PS - Putting up a barrier isn't going to prevent anybody from killing themselves. It will only help prevent people from killing themselves there...they'll just go somewhere else and do it.

:2 cents:

(Sorry, I guess I was venting there. Suicide is something that always "gets to me"...)
It depends on your definition of disease. According to the National Library of Medicine and Institutes of Health:

Main Entry: dis·ease
Pronunciation: diz-primarystressemacronz
Function: noun
: an impairment of the normal state of the living animal or plant body or one of its parts that interrupts or modifies the performance of the vital functions, is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms, and is a response to environmental factors (as malnutrition, industrial hazards, or climate), to specific infective agents (as worms, bacteria, or viruses), to inherent defects of the organism (as genetic anomalies), or to combinations of these factors.

so yes, it would seem that psychological/neurological disorders count, at least in the opinion of the medical community.
If people want to kill themselves let them, why should I give a fuck!

All hail......KING BLUEBALLS!!!!

HAIL! And yeah......if people want to jump, let 'em I say. $50 mill for a fence. What the hell are they going to build it out of? Gold? That shocks you if you get too close? No I know. Anyone going to jump will trigger a sensor where Dr. Fucking Phil comes on a loudspeaker and talks them out of it.

Jesus H. Christ. Teachers get paid shit, but our society actually brings ideas like this one to the table. What the hell happened to us?:dunno:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
so yes, it would seem that psychological/neurological disorders count, at least in the opinion of the medical community.

According to that definition you posted...

Main Entry: dis·ease
Pronunciation: diz-primarystressemacronz
Function: noun
: an impairment of the normal state of the living animal or plant body or one of its parts that interrupts or modifies the performance of the vital functions

...then people who drink alcohol have a disease, people who smoke marijuana have a disease, people who take strong medicine have a disease, people who have been hit in the head with a baseball bat have a disease, etc. All of those things can end up impairing your normal body functions, but, none of those things are diseases. typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms, and is a response to environmental factors (as malnutrition, industrial hazards, or climate)

...then people who get heat stroke from a blazing sun have a disease, people who get hypothermia from the cold snow have a disease, people who have been hit by lightning have a disease, etc. All of those things can end up imparing your normal body functions, but, none of those things are diseases. specific infective agents (as worms, bacteria, or viruses), to inherent defects of the organism (as genetic anomalies), or to combinations of these factors.

This is the only part I agree with, as diseases can be transmitted to you (but not caused) by worms, bacteria, etc. (IE - HIV, AIDS)

You're right though. It depends on what "your" definition is, but, unfortunately, everything is a disease according to someone in the medical profession. Just look at how many "disorders" there are. 99% of them are complete :bs:...just look at Restless Leg Syndrome. Nobody even knew what it was until they saw commercials for it on TV, then, and only then, did people start believing that they had it. But, if you talk to anybody who works in the medical field, they'll tell you that there is no such thing as RLS. It's all marketing to make you believe that you have something wrong with you, so you dish out big bucks to "cure" yourself.

Just like how that moron of a doctor diagnosed my dad with manic depression because his symptom was "being tired". :rofl:

:2 cents: