The Military is different. Serving in the war, is not what you could really call. serving in the military. Not exactly, the same. If you already have the training. Or are certified when you take the test before you go into the army. So see if you can. If you place in a good score. Once you get there. If your able to move around and can do different things. You don't have to go through as much training. I think woman, have the same right as men. Men should be able to Server as well as woman. Saying that there are only duchbags serving in the war is just as good as a rumor. Because The war, or military. Its simple over seas. Your up against a country who has the same potential as us Without as much exposure. Its only different in the way that we are America. Since we have athletes over here. They don't, they have soldiers. They want to win this war. Its vonerability if anything. Its not any differnt then being here. I think people should be able to serve in the Military but not everyone should be able to serve in the war.
What sparked the most conflict is. Back of March of 06 or April, An American Soldier broken into an Iraqi household and raped a little girl and her mother. That made a lot of enemies. And it sparked a lot of hate and angry towards American. They thought were were the lowest pieces of dirt on the planet. And they had every right to. As the war progressed. We sent over Italian allies? as they kept taking hostages and killing reporters? We'll How I saw it was. There was a country who had finally had enough. They would ambush everything. America was going to lose the war. By being out numbered by atleast a hundred to one. If not more. My name is Marvin and I know this from being there and watching it on television. Its not funny at all, and good men and woman have died because others let them down. People don't care if you die. Or get killed. They look out for themselves. That is the reason most people commit sucicide. In thought of being out numbered. Surrounded and left alone. You can't tell anything? Because in fact, most Americans are out of shape. Most soldiers are out of shape. Its a crisis, that we shouldn't have to deal with. Most indivisuals, cannot survive on their own. That is how we have lost so many battles. Espionage is still the key to this war. Although, it has calmed down once the culprets have figured out they can't control everyones destiny. It wouldnt take a lot for us to still lose this war. I feel america is based around communisum. Yet we still have people who are good people. Then then are people who think everything should be done according to standards. Yet, they the risk the lives of other people who must carry out orders by someone who doesn't have a complete understanding.